James Lewis
Victim of former Canada Manpower employee Richard Hickerson who became good friend of Hickerson. Charged and acquitted of possession of pornography 2002. Lewis was also a molester. Age 45 when charged and convicted indecent assault (2007).
Jamie Marsolais, who testified at the Cornwall Public Inquiry, was sexually abused by both James Lewis and Richard Hickerson.
[Links will be added at a later date]
04 October 2007: Abuse continues to haunt Marsolais
08 June 2007: Sex offender not returning to city
07 June 2007: Cops Issue Public Safety Alert In Relation To Sex Offender
Cops issue alert for Lewis’ release
18 May 2007: Neighbourhood on alert; Victim delivers flyers warning of pedophile’s release from jail
17 May 2007: Man blanketing neighbourhood with warnings about pedophile
05 May 2007: High-risk pedophile returning to city
13 February 2007: Not the sentence he hoped for: Victim says he got life while his attacker will spend nearly six months in jail
08 December 2006: Abuse has robbed man of his life