Points to Ponder

Points to Ponder

A. Justice Glaude‘s salary:

2003 Salary $205,782.42; taxable benefits $3,327.03
2004 Salary $254,500.80; taxable benefits $1,400.36

1. What is Justice Glaude’s salary as judge for the inquiry?
2. How much tax payer’s monies are being expended monthly on a judge whose appointment is surrounded by red flags?
3. What are the salaries of Justice Glaude’s media team?
4. What is the salary of Justice Glaude’s recently appointed lead legal counsel, Peter Engelmann?
B. The Honourable Michael Bryant Queen’s Park, Toronto, 6 April 2005: “I know the people of Cornwall want to make sure we get this right. We will get this right, we will have this inquiry and we will see that justice is done in Cornwall.”

1. If Mr. Bryant truly wanted to get it right, why did he not, at the very least, ensure he had chosen a judge with NO real or perceived connections to Cornwall?
2. If Mr. Bryant truly wanted to get it right, why did he not know about Justice Glaude’s Cornwall connections?
3. If Mr. Bryant truly wanted to get it right, why did choose a judge who has real or perceived connections to the local bishop and the OPP?
4. Why did Mr. Bryant tell us that Justice Glaude has no connections to Cornwall?
5. If Mr. Byrant really wants to see justice done in Cornwall, why is watching from the sidelines and refusing responsibility or accountability for his appointment of Justice Normand Glaude?
6. If Mr. Bryant really wants to see justice done in Cornwall, why is he willing to lead the victims and community into a potential McKinnon fiasco?
7. Will -can – justice be done in Cornwall with the current judge and mandate?

C. Justice Glaude’s choice of lead counsel for the inquiry: Peter Engelmann is described as “a senior member of the labour Bar. His practice focuses on all aspects of labour law, human rights, pay and employment equity law and Charter litigation.”

1. For the past ten plus years the rights of accused pedophiles has consistently trumped the rights of victims, the Dunlops, and the children of Cornwall. How then will Mr. Engelmann’s credentials help Justice Glaude get to the bottom of the Cornwall situation to ensure that justice is done?