Dr. Judith Reisman, Kinsey expert, speaks out….


The Wanderer

20 June 2002

by Paul Likoudis

As the U.S. bishops prepared for their summer plenary assembly in Dallas to chart their way through a minefield of exploding clerical sex abuse scandals, a group of medical and legal experts, including Dr. Judith Reisman, author of Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences, have advised the bishops to take legal actions against their legal and medical experts who offered them the disastrous advice that brought them to the present crisis.

But Dr. Reisman, the nation’s leading expert on the sexual psychopaths who created and sustain the so-called “human sexuality education” industry, fears the bishops will miss a golden, “God-given” opportunity to establish in a court of law that the bishops – and the American people – were lied to by the top experts in the sex education/counseling/therapy industry.

“Through this scandal,” Dr. Reisman said in an extensive telephone interview with The Wanderer, “God has given the bishops a great opportunity – I don’t know if they deserve it – to show in a court of law that they and the nation have been lied to for at least four or five decades about human sexuality; that they and the nation were misled, malpracticed. The ‘human sexuality’ field is not a field, the experts are not experts and the emperor [Kinsey] had no clothes.”

“It is only the biblical model, which the bishops were advised to reject by the late Fr. Michael Peterson [co-author of the 1985 Peterson-Doyle-Mouton report on clergy sex abuse] that protected women and children from this massive pandemic assault visited upon us all by the ‘experts in human sexuality.’

“I fear they will not accept the opportunity God has given them,” she said a day before the bishops’ scheduled meeting.

“If they would challenge the system in a courtroom, they would do such a good deed for the world, for this sexual revolution is a horrible plague. But I fear they don’t have the commitment to do that, and this enormous opportunity, just like the children who have been abused, will be discarded.”

The paper written by Reisman and others, submitted to a select group of bishops, is titled, “Reliance of the Catholic Church on Sexuality Advisors Whose Moral Foundation Differs Markedly from that of the Church.”

It informs the bishops that “Catholic institutions have long naively relied on sexuality professionals whose advice and counsel has been based on fraudulent science that had as its sole purpose the sweeping aside of the traditional generative view of American — indeed Catholic — morality.


“This misplaced trust afforded to fraudulent sex ‘science’ appears to be at the heart of much of the Church’s recent difficulties. Specifically, many of the Church’s key sexuality advisors are associated with the views advanced by Dr. Alfred Kinsey and the Kinsey Institute at the University of Indiana via Kinsey’s seminal research; Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953).”

Kinseys assertion that ten-to-40 percent of the male population is homosexual at one stage in life was based on his study of incarcerated, predominantly homosexual, sex offenders, and that Kinsey and his colleagues were the driving force behind the legalization of fornication, adultery, bestiality, pedophilia and other immoral, harmful behaviors.

The paper also advises the bishops that a potential pool of plaintiffs for a class-action suit against the sex education/counseling/therapy industry – whose major institutions are Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Indiana University, home of the Kinsey Institute, and the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco – can be found in the sexually harassed or dismissed seminarians who “suffered under the auspices of Kinseyan-tainted materials used in admissions criteria, psychological testing, teaching, textbooks and ‘counseling.’

“Since there is almost no legal defense against such indefensible conditions or actions, the best measure the Church can take is a pro-active, assertive tactic against those who falsely held themselves out as human sexuality experts,” the report states.

For more than two decades, the report continues, since Reisman’s groundbreaking work, Kinsey, Sex & Fraud: The Indoctrination of a People, honest, legitimate professionals have known that Kinsey and his peers, financed through the foundations (especially the Rockefeller Foundation), organized vice and the pornography racket, were engaged in a grand and diabolical scheme to replace traditional, Judeo-Christian sexual morality with sexual libertinism.

The report also provides two examples that “illustrate how the Church’s response to sexuality issues has fallen into the wrong hands.

“First….some seminarians have been trained in sexuality via a program sometimes called Sexual Attitude Reassessment created by The Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality (IASHS). IASHS’ former Academic Dean, Wardell Pomeroy, (now deceased) was a Kinsey co-author and, according to a recent sympathetic Kinsey biographer, Kinsey’s sometime sex partner. (James Jones, Alfred C. Kinsey; A Public/Private Life, W/.W. Norton, New York, 1997)

“Dr. Pomeroy is on record as seeking funds from the Adult Film Association annual convention in February of 1979 to produce child pornography at the IASHS (which produced pornography for sale). Pomeroy’s IASHS staff and faculty also performed group, couple and single person illegal sexual conduct–including child pornography — for the IASHS photographic book, Meditations on the Gift of Sexuality (1977).”


SAR workshops, seminars and programs are typically two, three or even five-day events where groups of students, employees, managers, corporate executives and others are immersed in intense “attitude readjustment” techniques designed to break down traditional moral beliefs and behaviors, and often have as their goal the acceptance and practice of homosexuality.

Typical of such programs is that offered in the corporate world by Brian McNaught, a longtime homosexual activist and former editor of the Michigan Catholic, who as long ago as 1980 was pushing the gay agenda in the Church in the pages of U.S. Catholic. (See “Is Our Church Big Enough for Gay Catholics?” June 1980, p. 10, cited by Fr. Enrique Rueda in The Homosexual Network, p. 111).

Brian McNaught associates offer such intensive programs as: “Understanding Gay Issues In The Workplace,” which “explores the impact of anti-gay behaviors on productivity and examines the means of eliminating unprofessional conduct at work”; “Managing Gay Issues In The Workplace,” which aims “at building the confidence and competence of managers and associates in their response to gay issues in the workplace”; “Train the Trainer,” a full-day workshop “designed for individuals who are interested in honing their skills and enhancing their confidence as a presenter and/or trainer on gay and transgender issues….The ‘Train the Trainer’ session occurs on the last day of the Annual Workshop on Sexuality,” which itself is “designed for every person who wishes to become more knowledgeable and comfortable with the multiple aspects and expressions of human sexuality….”

This latter program is especially designed for teachers, administrators, students, diversity and human resources professionals, family life educators, health and counseling personnel, mental health specialists, nurses, physicians, and clergy.


The Reisman, et. al. report to the bishops also points out (as does the web site of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) that Dr. Fred Berlin is still advising Cardinal Bernard Law and the U.S. bishops.

Indeed, Berlin was scheduled to address reporters during the bishops’ Dallas meeting.

“In 1994,” the report states, “Dr. Berlin was Course Director for a training program offered to judges, ‘health professionals,’ lawyers, legislators, police officers and child advocacy workers teaching, among other things, that ‘pedophilia….can be effectively controlled with appropriate psychiatric intervention.’

“Dr. Berlin and John Money, Ph.D., co-founded a celebrated sexual training and treatment center, The Johns Hopkins Sexual Disorders Clinic. Dr. Berlin described Dr. Money as ‘one of his most important mentors.’

Dr. Money, as it turns out, was a dedicated Kinsey disciple, the mentor for June Reinisch (the third Kinsey Institute director) and on the advisory board of the Kinsey Institute. Additionally, in an interview with the pedophile periodical, The Journal of Paedeophilia, John Money offered his professional counsel that adult sex with children is normal and often beneficial. “Dr. Money went on to say in the pedophile interview that the Berlin/Money Sexual Disorders Clinic was designed to offer ‘leeway to judges’ to free child abusers. For Money, ‘decided regarding paedohilia [sic] that I would never report anybody’….In addition to Cardinal Law’s reported reliance on Dr. Berlin, the problem is compounded in that the founder of St. Luke’s Institute, Rev. Michael R. Peterson, M.D. (who later died of AIDS), urges the Church to rely on Berlin, and Money in a 1985 paper, after warning the clergy that:

[M]alpractice cases involve situations where clerics give advice which is considered by the civil courts to be beyond their sphere of expertise or competence. This advice allegedly causes catastrophic consequences (divorce, suicide) resulting in civil suits…..[Money and Berlin,] the two mental health professionals are considered by me and most people in the field as the two U.S. experts and ones who have had good success in treatment of the paraphilic disorders in the past fifteen years (circa 1970) at their Clinic.”

“Church advisers like Peterson, Money, Berlin and their institutional sponsors such as Johns Hopkins University, The Kinsey Institute at Indiana University, the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, etc.,” the report continues, “are possibly subject to civil liability for medical malpractice, fraud, negligence and other claims.

“Several articles from Maryland papers are attached identifying Berlin’s efforts to ‘exempt specialists from reporting pedophiles even when their crimes continue during treatment.’

“Berlin’s claims of success would mislead Church officials regarding the safety of returning ‘treated’ pederasts and pedophiles to work. Indeed, the Government Accounting Office’s 1996 report on sex offenders — spanning 50 years and 500 therapeutic programs — found no form of psychotherapy that actually stopped sexual predators.”

“Still, in the admissions protocol for their program, Berlin and Money guarantee those engaged in past, present or future child sexual abuse, ‘We will not, however, report to your Probation Officer information you tell us as a part of the normal doctor-patient privileged relationship.’

“By 1988 ‘at least eight men [were] convicted of sexually abusing Maryland children while under treatment’ at the Johns Hopkins clinic,’ supporting the Maryland Attorney General’s rejection of Dr. Berlin’s effort to cover-up ongoing child abuse.


“Moreover, Dr. Paul McHugh, as former Johns Hopkins director of psychiatry and a member of the Baltimore Archdiocese’s Independent Review Board on Child Sexual Matters was fully supportive of Berlin’s efforts to protect even active pedophiles in treatment at Johns Hopkins….”

According to Dr. Reisman, the troubles the Church is currently buried in date back to the 1930s and ’40s, when Kinsey and his cohorts and their financial backers promoted themselves as the possessors of a new, scientific understanding of human sexuality, and positioned themselves as the educators of countless teachers, social workers and clerics, including Catholic bishops and priests.

“We know,” she explained in her Wanderer interview, “that the whole basis of the human sexuality education programs delivered to clergy of every denomination – not just Catholics – was based on the most massive cover-up of child sexual abuse in the history of American science, and the cover-up is continuing.

“The Kinsey institute from the start was created to normalize pedophilia. So in Kinsey we have a sado-masochistic, bi-homosexual, pornography and masturbation addict, a mysogynist who forced his wife and the wives of his staff to perform sex for him and his camera in his attic, who directed pedophiles to sexually molest children as young as two months of age for his ‘scientific human sexuality data,’ who directed a member of the Gestapo in Nazi Germany in child sexual abuse techniques, who – as his laudatory biography reported — climbed into a bathtub to circumcise himself without anesthesia, and who ritualistically hung himself by his testicles from a pole at the university until he fell unconscious: this clinically definable sexual psychopath is the educator who trained your psychiatrists, psychologists, some of your bishops and priests, and other mental health officials in what is normal human sexuality.

“There was no field of human sexuality before Kinsey, and it was Kinsey who educated all of our legislators to change our sex laws, to liberalize them following the call, in 1955, of the American Law Institute’s Model Penal Code, which itself was influenced by Kinsey and his cohorts.”

Kinsey, Reisman further explained, was an adoring disciple of Britain’s “great beast,” Alastair Crowley, considered the “prophet of pedophilia” and a known satanist. “Kinsey visited Crowley’s lair or ‘abbey’ in Sicily, as a pilgrim who goes to a religious place of holy worship. Crowley, we know was involved in ritualistic sacrifices of various kinds, including the ritualistic sexual abuse, and deaths, of children.

Kinsey went to Crowley’s lair to adore Crowley’s images of people in copulatory positions.

“Kinsey’s promotion of children as sexual objects for adults to consume is of a piece with Crowley ‘s concept of satanic human sacrifice. Clearly, we sacrifice our children when we engage in sex with them. Those who do it, know it.

“Pedophilia, or more commonly, pederasty, is a form of human sacrifice. Anyone who assaults a child sexually knows they are not only killing that child’s soul, but some would say, from a psychotherapeutic perspective, they are turning that child into a dysfunctional, self-destructive individual, and they know the child-victim will also act out on other children, perhaps hundreds, the rest of his life, and so the human destruction is perpetuated.

Reisman also described as “double-edged” claims by bishops that they didn’t fully understand the terrible physical, emotional and spiritual damage caused by sex abusers, because they were seeking, and accepting, advice from “experts” who insisted they had the right to “treat pedophiles without turning them over to law enforcement for jury trials.

“The experts, like Fred Berlin who advises Bernard Cardinal Law, as we speak, and others at Johns Hopkins,” she said, “were the men who argued before the Maryland legislature that, not only should they have a right to treat pedophiles without turning them over to law enforcement for jury trials, but Berlin even insisted he should have the right to treat pederasts even while they are sexually assaulting and raping children, and not turn them in!

“Berlin, and Money, and the experts at the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco, who have been training clergy for decades, are the people regarded as the experts. If you think that they would have suggested there is something wrong with pederasty, you would be mistaken. These are the people directing the Church.

“Should Church authorities have believed such experts? I think that should be up to a jury to decide.

“To me, this is a case of massive medical malpractice by those in the human sexuality field, as well as consumer fraud, as well as a broad spectrum of other things for the lawyers to sort out. But I believe it has to be sorted out. It is important to understand it is not just the priests and the abused children and the Church that have been so damaged, but educators, counselors, social workers, law enforcement officials and others throughout the whole system who have been trained in Kinsey, and are teaching children and doing social and law enforcement work everywhere.

“These so-called ‘human sexuality educators’ have been teaching behaviors that cause dysfunction, that are anti-authority and anti-Church, and they are teaching children – and adults — sexually perverse behaviors which can lead to serious emotional, spiritual and physical illness.”

“What should Catholic parents – and others – think about programs in Catholic and public schools that promote tolerance and acceptance of homosexual activity?” The Wanderer asked.

Reisman responded: “First, everyone has to understand that the beliefs most people have about sex today are based on bogus, fraudulent, criminal activities mislabeled as science, created by a group of sexual psychopaths at Indiana University.

“People should understand that if a nation follows the model of sexuality designed by a group of sexual psychopaths, that nation can anticipate a massive increase in sexual psychopathology. Remember, Kinsey is the father of the sexual revolution, and he is also considered the father of the homosexual movement by homosexuals and the pornography industry, both of which are always reaching for the children.

“Catholics must understand that all the AIDS programs, all the sex education programs, all the tolerance programs, all the ‘safe school’ programs have the same goal: recruit. They are recruitment programs for promiscuous sexual activity, either heterosexual or homosexual. They don’t belong in any home, much less any school. They are dysfunctional for adults as well as children. Anyone teaching those programs is suspect. Nobody talks about these ‘sexual issues’ to children without having an ulterior motive.

“It has been my argument for decades that some of the most destructive, toxic people are those in the field of human sexuality, and who are therefore responsible for the training of military chaplains and counselors, for AIDS educators, for cultural diversity, for the training on hate crimes, for the training on STD prevention and human relations in our schools. Everybody, anywhere, who needs the three units of sex education for professional licensing — psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, counselors, criminologists, expert witnesses in courts, teachers -everyone must get their training from those who come out of the Kinsey model.

“There was no other model for human sexuality, except the biblical one.”

When the interview with Dr. Reisman concluded, she said she is “seriously looking” for people who want to sue the leaders of the human sexuality education field and their agents, such as Johns Hopkins, the Kinsey Institute, the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, AASECT (Association of Sex Educators and Therapists), SIECUS (Sex Information and Education Council of the United States), the SSSS (Society for the Scientific Study of Sex) and Planned Parenthood, just for starters. She is also interested in meeting lawyers who would like to represent injured parties in class action suits against the above named associations.

To contact Dr. Reisman, email her at jar@drjudithreisman.com .