The Gay Priest Problem

Is there an epidemic of homosexuality in the priesthood? Recent media reports of an “epidemic” of AIDS among priests causes an examination of the problems in the Church that have led to the current situation. [this article by Jesuit priest … Continue reading

Prestige of clergy helped hide abuse

Cornwall Standard Freeholder Friday, August 31, 2007 – 08:00 Terri Saunders Local News – The prestige bestowed upon a priest once contributed to a culture of silence surrounding child sexual abuse, the Cornwall Public Inquiry heard Thursday. Rev. Tom Doyle … Continue reading

Persecution of Perry Dunlop shameful

Cornwall Standard Freeholder Letter to the Editor 26 January 2008 Your editorial “Let’s not make Perry a martyr” reveals either a profound lack of comprehension of the social dynamics that emerge from revelations of child sexual abuse, or it is … Continue reading