Naming Names

Naming Names By Dick Nadeau (R.I.P) [The following is a small excerpt of Dick’s “Naming Names” which gives a little history of the Classical College, the names of three Viatorian priests who were sexually abusing young boys, and connections between … Continue reading

Narozniak: Lidia Narozniak

Lidia Narozniak Lidia Narozniak is the Crown attorney who took the second Project Truth sex abuse trial of Jacques Leduc.  (Leduc “walked”) Lidia Narozniak received her law degree from the University of Manitoba in 1981.  She was called to the … Continue reading

Colin McKinnon

Justice Colin McKinnon Justice Colin McKinnon (He Wasn’t From Cornwall Either) Prior to the Leduc trial it was understood that the judge would be chosen from outside the city or jurisdiction of Cornwall to give victims and citizens assurance there … Continue reading

Anatomy of a Cover-up

Anatomy of a Cover-up (26 January 1994 – 09 January 1995 ) This is the root of the allegations of sexual abuse, a paedophile ring and a cover-up in Cornwall, Ontario which prompted demands for a public inquiry.  The Cornwall Public Inquiry … Continue reading