Hall: Pat Hall

Pat Hall joined the Ontario Provincial Police 29 April 1968.  Hall’s employ with the OPP began in Chatham, Ontario.  He worked “plain clothes” investigative division form 1974 to 1976.  He worked with the Windsor Ontario Intellignece unity from 1978 to 1980.  … Continue reading

Griffith-Pelletier Memo

The following is the text of an 02 April 1997 memo sent by Robert Pelletier, L’Orignal associate Crown attorney, to Peter Griffiths, Director of Crowns for the Eastern Region of Ontario.  Both men have since been appointed to the bench, … Continue reading

Pelletier: Robert Pelletier

Robert Pelletier Now a judge,  Justice Robert Pelletier, from Alfred, Ontario, was formerly a Crown attorney in L’Orignal, Ontario. Robert Pelletier, as a Crown attorney, became officially involved with Project Truth in January 1996.  He obtained an initial brief from Justice … Continue reading