The Inquiry
Cornwall Ontario sex abuse scandal
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Children’s Aid Society
Cornwall Police Service
Brunet: Luc Brunet
Derochie: Garry Derochie
McDonald: Stuart McDonald
Heidi Sebalj
Shaver: Claude Shaver
Wilson: Ron WIlson
Wells: Brendon Wells
Ontario Attorney General
Flanagan: Curt Flanagan
Griffiths: Peter Griffiths
Hallett: Shelley Hallett
Johnson: Don Johnson
MacDonald: Murray MacDonald
Narozniak: Lidia Narozniak
Pelletier: Robert Pelletier
Platana: Terence Platana
Power: Justice Denis Power
Segal: Murray Segal
Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Ontario Provincial Police
Hall: Pat Hall
Fantino: Julian Fantino
School Boards
Leduc Trial
Colin McKinnon
Justice James Chadwick
Perry Dunlop
The AG
The Clan
The Cover-Up
The Diocese
Bouchard: Bishop Luc Bouchard
Brodeur: Bishop Rosario Brodeur
Cameron: Father Bernard Cameron
Cornwall Classical College & Viatorian priests
Desilets: Father Paul Desilets csv
Deschamps: Father Gaetan Deschamps
Deslaurier: Father Gilles Deslaurier
Desilets: Father Paul Desilets csv
Durocher: Bishop Paul-Andre Durocher
Dube: Father Rene Dube
Landriault: Bishop Jacques Landriault
Lapierre: Father Hollis Lapierre
Lapierre: Father Paul Lapierre
Larocque: Bishop Eugene Larocque
Lebrun: Monsignor Rejean Lebrun
Lefebvre: Father Francois Lefebvre
Lussier: Father Lucien Lussier
MacDonald: Father Charles MacDonald
Major: Father Romeo Major
Maloney: Father Kevin Maloney
McDougald: Monsignor Donald McDougald
Menard: Father Bernard Menard omi
Meunier: Father Lucien-Luc Meunier
Martin: Father Kenneth Martin
Ostler: Father Gary Ostler
Pilon-Routhier: Sister Claudette Pilon-Routhier
Plourde: Bishop Joseph Aurele Plourde
Proulx: Bishop Adolphe Proulx
Scott: Father Donald Scott
Smith: Bishop William J. Smith
Stone: Father Carl Stone
Thibault: Father Claude Thibault
Vaillancourt: Father Denis Vaillancourt
The Inquiry
Garry Guzzo
Glaude: Justice Normand Glaude
Morrissey: Father Francis Morrisey omi
The Scandal
Barque: Nelson Barque
Gagnon: Martial (Killer) Gagnon
Hickerson: Richard Hickerson
Lalonde: Marcel Lalonde
Lewis: James Lewis
Malcolm MacDonald
Sabourin: Robert Sabourin
Ken Seguin
The Trials
The Victims
Sylvia’s Site
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