Where the money goes

Where the money goes

The first section of the chart is excerpts from the Ministry of the Attorney General payments figures as listed in the Ontario Ministry of Finance Public Accounts.  (If you scroll or do a search in the complete 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 reports you will note the section which lists payments from the Ministry of the AG.)  The figures shown below appear to be inquiry-related salaries and/or expenses paid by the AG ministry to various individuals and/or law firms in whole or in part.  It is unknown whether, for example, Sack Goldblatt Mitchell was paid for other business with the Ministry of the Attorney General or if the 900,000+ and 700,000+ figures are exclusively payment for services rendered to the inquiry by lead commission counsel Peter Engelmann.

Colleen Parrish was not retained until March 2006 which explains the lack of 2005-2006 payment.  However there are no payments listed in that time frame for other firms and lawyers involved with the inquiry from 2005.

If you take time to peruse the documents note that there are other payments listed under other departments, i.e., in 2005-2006 the Ministry of Labour indicates $1,430,392.00 in trust to Borden Ladner Gervais.  I have not included those figures.  I have restricted to those of the Ministry of the Attorney General which are or appear to be inquiry-related.

Note too the minimal payment to the firm of Gowling Lafleur Henderson which represents the Cornwall Police Service and did not formally request funding and is therefore not subject to the inquiry legal caps on lawyers’ fees and numbers of lawyers, paralegals, researchers and hours of work covered.   The Cornwall Police Service has instead been receiving monies from the AG through the back door to pay it massive legal bills.  I can find no indication of the approximately $4M the Cornwall Police Service has received to date through the AG’s back door.  It must be filed elsewhere.

The next section of the chart is Justice Glaude’s 2006-2007 salary disclosure, taken from another document.  The final section lists the salaries of several officers with the Cornwall Police Service as shown on “Disclosure for 2006 under the Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act, 1996.”


Ontario Ministry of Finance Public Accounts/Ministry of the Attorney General 2006-2007 2005-2006
G-4 Communications $  69,452.00 
George N. Glaude $ 97,766.00 
Gowling Lafleur Henderson (Cornwall Police Service)  $  80,617.00 
Michael Neville (Father Charles MacDonald)    $  95,035.00 
Colleen Parrish (Director of Policy and chair of the Advisory Panel) $169,466.00 
Stockwoods LLP (law firm Justice Normand Glaude uses when inquiry issues go to Ontario Divisional Court)  $183,829.00 $151,266.00
Simon Ruel (Commission Counsel)  $191,601.00 
Henein and Associates  (Jacques Leduc) $233,175.00 
Ledroit Beckett (Victims Group) $440,675.00 
Wardle Daley (Citizens for Community Renewal)     $400,612.00 
Pierre Dumais (Commission Counsel)     $536,131.00 $151,459.00 
Sack Goldblatt Mitchell (Peter Engelmann) $973,968.00 $722,930.00
Judicial Salary Disclosures
Justice George Normand Glaude    $222,106.57
Disclosures for 2006 under the Public Sector Salary Disclosures Act, 1996
Danny Aikman Deputy Police Chief $121,521.71 
Lucien Brunet Staff  Sergeant.   $100,656.86 
Richard Carter Staff Sergeant  $100,535.98 
Darcy Dupuis Inspector  $109,040.72 
Daniel Parkinson Police Chief  $132,816.31 
Brendon Welles Inspector $105,716.23