Ontario Attorney General


(see also AG page)

Brian Lennox (Judge who gave Malcolm MacDonald an absolute discharge after the former Crown pled guilty to obstructing justice in the illegal  $32,000 pay-off of David Silmser

 Terence Platana

Murray Segal:  (Deputy Attorney General)

James Stewart: (Director of Crown operations for Eastern Ontario since 1999)

 Robert Pelletier(former Crown attorney United Counties of Prescott and Russell.  Now federally-appointed judge with the Ontario Superior Court of Justice)

 Lidia Narozniak:  (Crown attorney.  Hamilton ?)

 Shelley Hallett(Crown attorney, Toronto)

Cosette Chafe:  (Victim Witness Assistance Program)

Lorne McConnery: (Assistant Crown, attorney Barrie, Ontario)

 Peter Griffiths(Former Dirctor of Crown attorneys for the Eastern Region.  Now Associate Chief Justice of the Ontario Court of Justice)

  Curt Flanagan (Brockville Crown attorney)

Alain Godin: (assistant Crown attorney)

 Don Johnson:  (former Cornwall Crown attorney 1972 to 1991.  Now criminal defence lawyer)

 Murray MacDonald:  (Cornwall Crown attorney 1992 to Dec. 2008.  Assistant Crown 1988-1992)


15 March 2010:  A second look at new rules

31 March 2009:  Acting Crown attorney in a coma in an Ottawa hospital

26 February 2009:  Children eat lunch with local judges

13 December 2008:   Inquiry to hear from ministry witnesses

02 December 2008:   Forcing prosecutors to testify threatens justice system: lawyer

27 November 2008:  Crown fights inquiry order in Frank Paul case

09 December 2008:  High court ponders whether access to information a right

09 December 2008: Crown MacDonald promoted: New director of prosecutors for eastern Ontario

28 November 2008: “Fantino rebuked in attempt to remove judge from disciplinary hearing”and related articles re Fantino and Brian Gover (Gover is Glaude’s lawyer for inquiry business, including charging Perry Dunlop)

28 November 2008”: Ontario to place prosecutors in police stations: Idea one of several to streamline lengthy trials recommended in new report

24 October 2008: Province imposes a finish line on marathon sessions

23 October 2008:  Media coverage on Attorney General imposed inquiry deadline

23 October 2008:  Inquiry will wrap by January:  Glaude.  Commissioenr reveals new guidelines set by province

02 October 2008:  SIU ineffective police watchdog: Ontario ombudsman

25 June 2008: Court swamped by murder charges: Eleven people facing trials in nine area deaths

11 June 2008: Cornwall court on trial: Stats show court third slowest in region

22 June 2007:  Ministry stands by the Crown

2005-2007:  Where the money goes (inquiry-related expenses)

23 March 2002 Pedophiles must pay dearly appeal court

02 April 1997:  Memo from Robert Pelletier, assistant Crown attorney, to Peter Griffiths, Director of Crowns for the Eastern Region, Ontario