Cornwall Standard Freeholder
24 June 2008
(Staff) — A decision on whether a retired Cornwall police officer will have to take the stand at the Cornwall Public Inquiry will come this week, the probe’s commissioner promised Monday.
Comm. Normand Glaude heard arguments for-and-against excluding Ron Lefebvre from testifying at the inquiry, which is examining how institutions like the city police handled historical sexual abuse allegations.
Three parties with standing at the inquiry — the Coalition for Action, the Citizens for Community Renewal, and the Victims Group — filed motions arguing there was not enough evidence to dismiss Lefebvre, who now works as a special constable for the OPP.
Lawyers for the Cornwall Community Police Service argued that Lefebvre was unable to testify.
The arguments were held during a one-hour in-camera session before testimony began Monday.
Lefebvre led at least three historical sexual abuse investigations that have come under scrutiny at the inquiry, including the 1985 into Earl Landry, Jr.,the son of former police chief Earl Landry, Sr. No charges were laid that year against Landry, Jr.
He later pleaded guilty in 1999 to abusing five boys.
Another former Cornwall police officer, Heidi Sebalj, was previously excused from the stand for mental health reasons.