Father John Loftus SJ

Jesuit priest, former Executive Director of Southdown, and member of Justice Normand Glaude’s Advisory Panel Jesuit priest Father John Allan Loftus, former Executive Director of Southdown, Canada’s prima facility for “treating” clerical sexual abusers,  has been an advocate and active proponent … Continue reading

Stone: Father Carl Stone

Father Carl Stone [The following information is  was drawn from information on hand or researched several years and documents entered into evidence at the Cornwall Public Inquiry..  The gaps in entries indicate that I currently have no information on those … Continue reading

Anatomy of a Cover-up

Anatomy of a Cover-up (26 January 1994 – 09 January 1995 ) This is the root of the allegations of sexual abuse, a paedophile ring and a cover-up in Cornwall, Ontario which prompted demands for a public inquiry.  The Cornwall Public Inquiry … Continue reading

The Diocese

Under construction The Roman Catholic Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall _______________________________________ March 2017:  Should the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall merge with the  Archdiocese of Ottawa? October 2017:  Alexandria-Cornwall Diocese to merge with Ottawa Archdiocese? __________________________________ SOUTHDOWN  (Viewed by many as Canada’s prima ‘treatment’ … Continue reading