The Wanderer 21 September 2006 by Paul Likoudis Almost one year into an official government Public Inquiry by the Province of Ontario into sexual abuse allegations involving a “pedophile clan” of Catholic priests and public officials in the small city … Continue reading
Category Archives: Adolphe Proulx
The Wanderer 08 August 2008 By PAUL LIKOUDIS CORNWALL, Ont. — For five days, Bishop Eugene LaRocque detailed for the public inquiry into historical sexual abuse in the Diocese of Alexandria- Cornwall, presided over by Justice Normand Glaude, how he … Continue reading
Former bishop says Deslauriers was a ‘master manipulator’ Cornwall Standard Freeholder 30 July 2008 Posted By Trevor Pritchard A Catholic priest convicted in 1986 of sexually abusing four young men was a “master manipulator,” his former bishop told the Cornwall … Continue reading
The Ottawa Citizen 30 May 1986 Jacquie Miller and Anne McIlroy Citizen Staff writers The Catholic priest a Cornwall family said sexually molested their son has left a Hull parish and entered a religious retreat. Officials at the Gatineau-Hull diocese … Continue reading
Outside agencies weren’t told about historical allegations Ottawa Citizen Monday, July 14, 2008 Neco Cockburn CORNWALL – A church committee set up in the mid-80s to look into allegations of historical sexual abuse by a priest did not recommend that … Continue reading
Benoit Brisson Ben Brisson Benoit Brisson was sexually molested by Father Gilles Deslaurier, a Roman Catholic priest in the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall, Ontario. Deslaurier was the Roman Catholic priest who married Ben in 1984. The marriage dissolved after two years, … Continue reading
Lucien Lussier Roman Catholic priest in Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall, Ontario. Sexual abuse allegations from Gareth Smith and G.R. Charged. Charges stayed. Represented by ex-Crown attorney Don Johnson. American citizen. I believe he was born in Fall River MA (have found sibling … Continue reading
Pending Arrest Of Pedophiles Expected To Implicate Bishop [The Wanderer, 17 August 2000] By Paul Likoudis CORNWALL, Ont. – The pending arrest (slated for August 9) of former Justice of the Peace Keith Jodoin by officers of the Project Truth … Continue reading
Victim Impact Statement André R. Lavoie October 1998 [Andre was sexually abused by Roman Catholic High School teacher Robert Sabourin. Sabourin was a friend of Bishop Adolphe Proulx and photographer for the Diocese of Alexandria Cornwall)] [ note: portions of … Continue reading
Richard Francis Hickerson Ex- Priest. My information on Richard Hickerson the priest is sketchy and, as you will see, at times a little confusing and/or intriguing. The following will be updated as I get more information and if and when some … Continue reading