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Ron Leroux alleged he was sexually abused by Fathers Bernard Cameron, Donald Bernard McDougald and Eugene Larocque (the latter to become Bishop Eugene Larocque).Ron sexually molested C-8 – the two then lived together for about seven years. Their home was by the Ken Seguin waterfront home. Ron later married. Ron testified at the Cornwall Public Inquiry. He was in a terrible state and in no shape to testify but things proceeded with Ron not knowing from one minute to the next whether he was coming or going. There were many claims that Ron recanted allegations – in fact there were few recantations, just a lot of confusion. Eventually doctors concluded that Leroux was not capable of continuing to testify and he did not return for cross-examination. Regardless his testimony as such was allowed to stand. | |
STATEMENTRON LEROUX23 JANUARY 1947 (Signed 04 December 1996) I attended St Columbans Boys School as a young person. This school is located in the City of Cornwall on the corner of Adolphus and Fourth Street. The school was run by brothers and priests there were also a few lay people employed by the school. Brother John was the principal of the school. I can remember when I was around nine years old we would have to line up for confession outside the gym in the hallway of the school and then one by one you would enter the school gym and the priests would hear your confession. There were little dividers set up in the gym as you entered. Sometimes there were two priests sometime there was only one. The first time that I went into confession I was nine years old. I remember going into the booth in the gym where I encountered Father Bernard Cameron. I began to tell my confession and when I finished he said:” is that all.?” I said : ” what do you mean is that all?” He said:” you don’t play with yourself ?” He then reached over grabbed me by the shoulder and then he grabbed me by the bag and said :” play with yourself’. I was in shock. Father Donald McDougal also molested me while I was at the Boy’s school. He used the same routine. You would go into the confession and he would grab you by the penis. Father McDougal grabbed me by the penis on two occassions, I would have been about 12 years old at this time. I never went back to confession after I was 14 years old. The fact is that after I was 14 years old I quit attending the catholic church. I lost all of my trust in the catholic church and the priests. I had no self worth after these incidents, I became a loner, I was scared everyday. I remember that there was this nun, Mother St. Carolyn, who was pushing me into being an alterboy. She told me start hanging out with the boys who go to church they have these seminars and religious retreats. I remember there was this one Friday night I had heard that there was going to be a religious retreat at Cameron’s Point. I mentioned it to my dad and he said that he didn’t have time to drive me to these retreats. I ended up going with Stan LeGallais both of us got a drive from one of his relatives. I remember that after we got dropped off there was a long walk into the cottage area from the road. It was a long dark road. I remember that there were hedges on both sides of the cottage and there was a large deck on the rear. There was a small bonfire going at the back. There were a bunch of priests there. I remember Bishop LaRocque being there at Cameron’s Point, he was a priest at the time. Father Donihee, Father McDougald, Father Cameron and other priests were there. I remember that there were eight or nine boys there when we arrived. Stan and I stood in the bushes when we first arrived and I observed the priests fondeling the boys that were on the deck most of them had no clothes on. Then another three or four boys around the fire with sheets over their heads and candles up their rectums. The priests were fondeling the boys putting their fingers up the rectums of the young boys. I remember that night I was wearing light blue deck pants with a rope belt with two buttons on the front of them, I used to call them my pirate pants. The Bishop (Eugene LaRocque) was sitting on the back deck with a boy on his lap. I could see that he was fondeling this young boy and taking his bathing suit off. I was awe struck as I looked on. Bishop LaRocque then looked over at me and motioned to me to come to him. He said something in french Iike vien-ici. I was scared but I went over and he took my rope belt off. He then undid the two buttons on my pants. LaRocque then began to fondel me inside my pants. He did this for awhile then he put his fingers up my rectum. I remember that I was shocked, confused and it hurt. I remember looking over by the bonfire and I saw Father Donihee who had pinned Stan LeGallais to the ground. Father Donihee was groping and fondeling Stan all over including his genitials and rectum area. Not only did I observe this, Stan later told me that he had been molested. I looked into the cottage where I observed two young boys 12-13 years old. The two boys were sitting on the counter naked jerking each other off I remember that I met up with Stan by the side of the cottage and he was in shock. Then Father Cameron and Father McDougald came over to Stan and I. Cameron told us that if we tell anyone that we will be the ones who would get in trouble. Infact Cameron challanged us to go to our parents and tell them. Cameron said it will all get back to us through confession. We stayed at the cottage that night for about one hour. I remember telling my mother and father about the confession incidents and they did not belive me saying that priests were men of the cloth and that they would never do that. I never told my parents about the Cameron’s Point incident. I also did not know until this year that Stan LeGallais had died due to a drinking problem I also remember a time outside of St. Columbans Church when Father R.J. MacDonald hit me for not parking my bicycle properly, I had parked by the vines near the side of the church. He came out and hit me in the side of the head and said move the bicycle. I said this one is mine. He hit me and said move them all. I recognize picture number seven and picture number nine as Stuart MacDonald. I have seen Stuart MacDonald at Ken Seguins on at least three occasions. I also recognize Jacques Leduc(picture number three) as being at the V.I.P. meeting at Malcolm’s cottage. I remember Leduc as having a redish beard and redish hair. The clan used to meet at a motel in Fort Lauderdale called the Saltaire. I observed Malcolm MacDonald getting screwed by a black boy. I walked into his room at the Saltaire and observed a black male prostitute having anal sex with Malcolm. Malcolm would have prostitutes in and out of his room in broad daylight, they would be wearing their beepers. There was also a priest from Rochester New York that would come to the Saltaire, his name was Richard Orlando. I have observed the Bishop Eugene LaRocque, Claude Shaver, Murray MacDonald, Father MacDonald, Ken Seguin and Ron Wilson on Birch Avenue in Fort Lauderdale Floridia. Birch Avenue is a known pick up spot for young male prostitutes. I remember there were several dinner parties at the parish house in St. Andrews. Malcolm MacDonald, Rory MacDonald, Bishop Larocque, Ken Seguin, XXXX [C-8], Kevin Maloney, Daniel Latrielle, Gino, Daniel Flipson and others. I recall that after the dinner parties the group that had assembled for the meal would disappear to seperate rooms including the upstaris bedrooms. The group would seem to vanish, be around all over. I specifically remember one time when I was painting at the parish house in St. Andrews. Father Kevin Maloney came into the house with a young boy who appeared to be about I2 to 14 years old. The two of them passed me and went up to Charlie’ s bedroom which is located upstairs. I went upstairs a short while later and I looked into Charlie’s bedroom. At this time I observe that the two of them are in bed together. Their backs are to me and Kevin has the boy infront of him. All of their clothes are on the floor including a black pair of shoes and a small pair of running shoes. Kevin was humping the boy under the covers, there is not much doubt that they were having sex. I remember Andre Pommier being at Malcolm MacDonald’s cottage he would often come with young boys a different one each time. Malcolm MacDonald would bring male prostitutes and young boys to his cottage on the island. I remember that when he would have these prostitutes and young boys there visitors would include: 1. Claude Shaver 2. Father Charles MacDonald 3. Father Rory MacDonald 4. Ken Seguin 5. Andre Pommier 6. Eugene LaRocque 7. Ron Wilson 8. Mark Menard 9. Gary Ostler 1O.David Ostler 11.David Latrille 12.Gino 13 . others I also remember one time when I was painting out at the parish house in St. Andrews. Father Gary Ostler came into the house. I was painting and he grabbed me by the bag and said:” what is your game?” He assaulted me on this day, he is very strong and rough. I can recall having a meal at Ken Seguin”s house in Summerstown with: Ken Seguin, Claude Shaver, Eugene LaRocque, Malcolm MacDonald, XXXX [C-8] and myself. Father Charles MacDonald would keep a picture of Ken Seguin on his bedroom dresser at St. Andrews. He told me one time that Ken was his Rock Hudson. He also had pictures of David Latrielle and Rory MacDonald and several others on his dresser. Malcolm MacDonald used to say “I’m so well connected that I tell the judges what to do.” I remember when I got charged with unsafe storage of a firearm, Malcolm told me not to worry because it was his nephew Bruce MacPhee that would be on the bench for the case. David Silmser would call about three times a week. Silmser was looking for money. Ken would be outraged and out of his mind when Silmser would call. Silmser would call at all hours of the night. Ken said he wanted money, money, money. There were also others, Ken would tell me this one wants twenty that one wants twenty, I have nothing left for myself. Ken Seguin was constantly giving probation people (probies) money, smokes and beer. Daniel Flipson would constantly be at the parish house in St. Andrews. He would be there for all the meals serving helping Charlie. Daniel Flipson also came over to Ken Seguin’s house in Summerstown often, he would always come with Father Charles MacDonald. I recall one night he stayed over at Ken Seguin’s with Father Charlie,Ken was gone away for the weekend. The two were alone and I saw them the following morning looking out from the window of Ken’s Bedroom upstairs. Sylvain told me that he would do favours for Father Charlie MacDonald in the shower. In fact Father Charles MacDonald confirmed that Sylvain came in the shower with him. Malcolm MacDonald told me one time that Stuart McDonald Hated Perry Dunlop’s Guts. There is no doubt that the clan were prepared to take human lives to continue the coverup of the sexual improprioties. I know for fact that Ken Seguin, Malcolm MacDonald and Charlie MacDonald were homosexual lovers. Ken also told me that Claude Shaver and him went way back. Mark Menard would have seen Malcolm MacDonald,s Kiddy Porn he would also have lots of information on Malcolm as he is Malcolm,s right hand man. Mark Menard has spent countless hours with Malcolm MacDonald. It is fact that Malcolm MacDonald holds a morgage for Mark Menard. I make this statement of my own free will Ron Leroux 04 December 1996 |
Ron Leroux Affidavit(13 November 1996) Court File No. 40752/96 ONTARIO COURT (GENERAL DIVISION) BETWEEN PERRY DUNLOP Plaintiff -and- CLAUDE SHAVER, CARL JOHNSTON, JOSEPH ST. DENIS, LUCIEN BRUNET, BRENDON WELLS, THE CORNWALL POLICE SERVICES BOARD, CORNWALL POLICE SERVICE, DOUGLAS SEGUIN, THE ROMAN CATHOLIC EPISCOPAL CORPORATION FOR THE DIOCESE OF ALEXANDRIA CORNWALL IN ONTARIO, MALCOLM MACDONALD Defendants AFFIDAVIT OF RON LEROUX I, Ron Leroux, of the Town of Norway, Maine (United States of America), solemnly swear that: 1. I currently live in Norway, Maine with my family. Prior to my moving to Maine, U.S.A. on or about February, 1994, I lived in Summerstown, Ontario, Canada for approximately twenty-six (26) years. 2. I presently work as a contractor in the construction industry and as a contractor in the painting industry. 3. I am currently (49) forty-nine years old and my date of birth is January 23, 1947. I was born in Cornwall, Ontario. My parents are the Late Osborne Leroux and Mrs. Zilda Rose Leroux. 4. I lived in a house on the St. Lawrence River one door away from Mr. Ken Seguin house. I was very good friends with Mr. Ken Seguin. We often went for coffee together, he would come to my place as I would go to his. We also often went for meals together and my wife would frequently make him supper. 5. Being a close neighbour and very good friend of Ken Seguin, I knew a lot about what was going on in his life. I attended his house daily. I also did lots of work at St. Andrews Parish House and some work at Malcolm Cameron’s summer residence. 6. I was at several parties at Ken Seguin’s house, Malcolm Cameron’s summer residence and St. Andrew’s Parish House where I observed among others: 1. Bishop Eugene LaRocque 2. Malcolm MacDonald 3. Ken Seguin 4. Chief Claude Shaver 5. Murray MacDonald 6. Milton MacDonald 7. Ron Wilson 8. Father Gary Ostler 9. Father Kevin Maloney 10. Father David Ostler 11. Father Rory MacDonald 12. Gerry Renshaw 13. Father Charles MacDonald 14. Mark Menard 15. David Silmser 16. XXXXX [C-5] 17. David Latraielle 18. Gino 19. Daniel Flipson 20. Sylvain Flipson 21. Stuart McDonald 22. Harvey Berry, Jr. 23. Robert Renshaw 24. Fred Renshaw 25. Bob Varley 26. Travis Varley 27. Dale Crowder 28. XXXXX [C-8] 29. Stuart McDonald 30. Al Laplante 31. Fern Touchette 32. Kara Berry 33. Joss Van Deepen 34. Male prostitutes both adults and juveniles, altar boys and several others 7. I can advise and have witnessed a “clan” of pedophiles which were comprised of the following people: Bishop Eugene Larocque; Father Charles MacDonald; Father Donald B. McDougald; Father Bernard Cameron; Father Kevin Maloney; Father Gary Ostler; Father David Ostler; Father Ranald (Rory) MacDonald; Claude Shaver (ex-Chief of Police of Cornwall); Mr. Ken Seguin; Late Msgr. R.J. MacDonald; Late John McPhail; Late John Donihee; Late Norman Loney; and Malcolm MacDonald, Q.C. 8. I have witnessed sexual improprieties, molestations, fondling, oral sex, intercourse (anal) between the above-named “clan ” members and minors through the period of 1957 or 1958 to 1993. These sexual improprieties with minors (male) occurred at Cameron’s Point, Summerstown, Ontario; Birch Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A.; Saltaire Motel, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A. Lot 17, Concession 1, R.R.#1, Cornwall, Ontario; Malcolm MacDonald summer residence, Stanley Island, Ontario; Malcolm Cameron’s Law Office, Pitt Street, Cornwall, Ontario and St. Andrews Parish House. 9. I have also seen pictures of minors possessed by Malcolm MacDonald. Malcolm MacDonald advised that he took all the pictures himself with a Polaroid Camera. I visually recognized some of the minors in the pictures who were naked and/or exposing their penis and genitals. I recognized Mr. Mark Menard; XXXX [C-5]; Davis Silmser and Bob Varley in these pictures. All of these minors would have been between the ages of (14) fourteen to sixteen (16) with the exception of Mark Menard, who would have been between (17) seventeen and nineteen (19). These pictures were stored in Malcolm’s middle desk drawer of his office which remained unlocked at all times. Malcolm often left the drawer open with these pictures exposed. Malcolm’s legal secretary, Connie, would have seen these pictures on numerous occasions. In fact, Malcolm took some of the “minor” pictures in his own office. He (Malcolm) also had several other pictures of minors in which I do not know by name. 10. Malcolm MacDonald also possessed several “Kiddy Porn” tapes which he stored in his residence library at Captain MacDonald Rd., Cornwall, Ontario. Malcolm also had more pornographic pictures and sex toys at his home residence. 11. Malcolm MacDonald also possessed “Kiddy Porn” magazines at his summer residence, Stanley Island Lake. Malcolm also had “Kiddy Porn” tapes at this summer residence during the summer months. 12. I owned and operated, with XXXX [C-8], a renovation company called XXXXX. Our business office was located in the outer front office in Malcolm MacDonald law office. The walls were very thin and you easily overheard any of Malcolm’s conversations even with the door shut. Myself, XXXXX [C-8] and Connie, Malcolm’s Secretary, were privy at different times to private conversations of Malcolm’s. 13. The “Clan’s” regular meeting spots were Ken Seguin’s home in Summerstown; Malcolm Cameron’s summer residence on Stanley Island and St. Andrews Parish House. I observed “clan” members at these meeting spots all the time, some more frequent than other. Other “clan” meetings were held at Cameron’s Point and Birch Avenue Area, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 14. I have observed Claude Shaver at Ken Seguin’s home, at Birch Avenue, Fort Lauderdale and at Malcolm Cameron’s summer residence. Mr. Claude Shaver was definitely a “clan” member and was very good friends with Malcolm MacDonald, Father Charles MacDonald, Ken Seguin and Bishop Eugene Larocque. I observed Mr. Claude Shaver talking with young male prostitutes on Birch Avenue, Fort Lauderdale. I observed these male prostitutes to be approximately thirteen (13) to fifteen (15) years old. 15. I observed Bishop Larocque talking to young male prostitutes on Birch Avenue, Fort Lauderdale. I observed these male prostitutes to be approximately thirteen (13) to fifteen (15) years old. I also observed Bishop Larocque in the late 1950’’s or early 1960’’s, as a Father, performing inappropriate, illegal and perverse sexual acts with minors, Altar Boys, at Cameron’s Point. In fact, Eugene Larocque committed illegal, inappropriate and perverse sexual acts against myself while I was a minor. I also observed him fondling and molesting other Altar Boys at a cottage at Cameron’s Point. I attended with Stan Legalais and was dropped off by an adult as we were both too young to drive. During this party, I observed a ceremonious ritual of candles in the Altar Boys rectums with sheets over them. These Altar Boys were walking around with the candle in the rectum and the sheet over them with no clothes on, during this ceremony, several members of the clergy were fondling these young boys, and molesting them. I specifically remember Bishop Larocque (who was then a priest), Father Cameron and Father McDougald molesting and fondling these Altar Boys. In fact, all of the aforementioned priests also committed illegal, inappropriate and perverse sexual acts against myself as a minor. The place, Cameron’s Point, was occupied by a priest that drowned in his boathouse in the mid-sixties. This ritual went on on a weekly basis. 16. I also observed Ron Wilson at Birch Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale. 17. It was well known that Birch Avenue was a pick-up point for minors, who were prostitutes and was a problem area for the local police. Most of these minors were males. The Marlin Beach Hotel was also a well known haven for male prostitutes, mostly minors, the clan members called this area the “Gaff”. 18. Malcolm and Ken Seguin frequented the “Gaff” area at Ft. Lauderdale yearly. I observed sexual improprieties with minors by Malcolm at Saltaire Motel. 19. On or about mid-December, 1992, I attended Ken Seguin house and found him in a state of depression. I observed him at 5:30 a.m. in his pyjamas on the ice behind his home. He was suicidal. I immediately went outside and talked him back into his place. At this time he told me about the allegations against him made by David Silmser. He also told me there was another person involved. I brought him to Florida to help him recuperate. 20. I returned to Ft. Lauderdale on or about February 3 or 4, 1993 by myself. I return to Canada on or about early March, 1993 to find my home in a complete mess as if someone had searched my home. I received a telephone call from the O.P.P. Lancaster, Ontario advising me that they had done a search of my house and that they found a leather suitcase and weapons. The officer asked me to go to the Station and I went the next day. When I arrived, I was greeted by an O.P.P. officer, 6’3 or 6’4 in height, who talked to me about the leather suitcase. He asked me if I owned the suitcase and I replied “No”. He seemed to not want me to leave with the suitcase. He asked me if I knew what was in the suitcase and I replied “No”. He then said that he knew what was in the suitcase and advised that it contained pornographic tapes. I signed a release form and left the suitcase at the O.P.P. station. This officer advised me that he was going to destroy these tapes. I then returned home. 21. A few hours after returning from the O.P.P. station, I attended Ken’s house to ask him what was going on as he had agreed to take care of my home during my trip. Ken Seguin was also suppose to look after my dog. I was infuriated and asked him about this suitcase. Ken Seguin admitted that it was his suitcase and that it contained personal pornographic tapes with his handwriting on them. Ken also stated that it was his tape collection from over the years and that he wanted them out of his house. He said that he was under investigation for a sexual assault and that these tapes would “clinch” a conviction against him. Ken said that it would ruin him. Ken was extremely apologetic. I also observed destroyed tapes and probation documents in a bin at my home, on the upper floor outside the master bedroom bathroom, I was surprised to find the destroyed tapes and documents. 22. On or about March, 1994, in the presence of my wife, Cindy Leroux, I advised an O.P.P. officer and an Ottawa officer of these tapes. Both officers stated that they knew nothing of these tapes but would look into it. 23. I plead guilty on Malcolm’s advice to an “unsafe storage” charge and was fined $300.00. 24. From March, 1993 to end of August, 1993, I am privy and present during several conversations between Malcolm, Ken Seguin and Father Charles MacDonald. Malcolm advises to Ken Seguin not to worry as he was going to take care of the allegations against him and Father Charles MacDonald. I remember a heated discussion between Malcolm and Ken Seguin on or about May, 1993 in which Malcolm stated that he had the connections to take care of the allegations and that he was the person to do it. He also stated that he was going to talk to the Chief and would settle things. He told Ken to stop being so paranoid about things. 25. On or about June or July, 1993, Ken Seguin advised me that “Heidi” was in charge of the case and that it wasn’t going to go anywhere. He appeared happy about this. 26. On or about June or July, 1993, I started to hear the name Stuart McDonald being discussed by Malcolm and Ken Seguin. Ken advised that the allegations against him and Father Charlie were not going to go anywhere as Stuart McDonald was now looking into it. I continued to hear the name Stuart McDonald frequently from Ken during the months of June, July and August, 1993. 27. On or about a Friday evening in late August, 1993-early September, 1993, I was told by Ken Seguin that there is going to be a gathering a Malcolm’s summer home on Sunday. He stated that Bishop Larocque, Claude Shaver, Ron Wilson, Malcolm, Father Charlie, and others would be in attendance. He said they were having a get together on the Island. 28. On the Sunday morning at approximately 8:30 a.m., myself and Ken are having a coffee in Ken backyard. Malcolm arrives and states that he has steaks, beer and booze for an army. Malcolm states that a lot of important people are showing up for dinner today. Malcolm stated that Ron Wilson, Claude Shaver, Bishop Larocque, Stuart McDonald, Brunet, a Judge from his drinking days, and Father Charlie would be in attendance. At approximately 11:30 or so, I observed Malcolm turn into Ken Seguin’s driveway. I then observed Murray MacDonald exit Ken’s back door. I clearly observed Murray in the back yard. Afterwards, Shaver arrived with two (2) other males. They exited the car and I observed the two (2) other males to be Stuart McDonald and another cop. They go to Ken’s wharf and get into Malcolm’s boat. They, Malcolm, Claude, Stuart and the other cop, head towards the Island and wave at me as they are leaving. A second vehicle arrives with two (2) males in it. They exit the car and I observe Bishop Larocque and another priest. Both of them go to Ken’s wharf and Malcolm had returned. Just before they were to leave, Malcolm, Bishop Larocque and the priest, Father Charles MacDonald arrived in his car with another priest, Rory MacDonald.They immediately went to join the others in the boat. I remember that Ken went and got a red milkbox from his boathouse as Malcolm’s boat only had four (4) seating capacity. I was in Ken’s backyard, approximately 15 to 20 feet from the boat as the five (5) of them pulled away for the Island. I told Ken I would put his phone away as I thought he was going to join them. Ken advised me he was going to go in his own boat and they proceeded to leave. A fourth car pulled up along the front of Ken’s house, stopped for a few seconds and left towards the marina. I observed Ron Wilson and waved to him. He waved back. I observed two (2) other males in the car with Ron Wilson. I then observed Ken Seguin leave alone for the Island. On or about 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., Ken returns alone and pulls up to my wharf. Ken advises me that he has a new lease on life and seems elated. He advises me that the allegations against him are settled and the he can get on with his life. 29. Ken Seguin advised me that a bunch of “V.I.P.’s” were on the Island. 30. After the Sunday meeting on the Island, Ken seemed revived for a few weeks. Then something happened and he started to get nervous again. He advised me that calls were starting again and that a cop was not going to let it go. Ken mentioned the name Dunlop, in fact, he said “fucking Dunlop”. I started to observe in late September, October and November, 1993, a great deal of traffic at Ken’s house. Father Charlie and Malcolm attended very frequently in the evenings. I observed Ken getting more and more nervous; and more and more depressed. He was suicidal. 31. Approximately two weeks before Ken’s death, Ken advises me on a planned hit against Dunlop and family. I would go over to his house daily during this two (2) week period. Ken would violently throw-up, was loosing weight and was extremely sick. Ken was in this state of mental disarray because a family (Dunlop’s family) was going to be killed. In fact, I was present at a meeting between Malcolm, Ken and Father Charlie, for a brief period, where they openly discussed the killing of Dunlop the Cop and his family. Father Charlie was the most vocal and enraged stating that he hated Perry Dunlop, and that Dunlop and family will be disposed of. Malcolm stated that Dunlop is not going to let it go. Malcolm said that he had inside information from the Chief that Dunlop was not going to let it go. They continued to discuss the planned attack and I left to go home. Approximately two (2) days later, at Harv’s Diner, Malcolm and Ken are sitting across from each other and talk about Dunlop. Ken seems to want to discuss it, but Malcolm says not here. Ken then says “where are we going with this now” and Malcolm responds “I don’t want to talk about it here and now, it’ll be taken care of, stop being so paranoid. I keep telling you about your paranoia.” 32. The next day, I arrive at Ken’s home in the evening and he is a total mess. Ken is on the couch wrapped in a blanket and he is shaking. Ken refuses to do anything. He says that he does not deserve to live anymore, all queers are scumbags. Ken also states “I feel bad for this poor cop and his family. They want to get rid of them. They are going to rub them out.” Ken says “I don’t deserve to live. I just want to die.” Ken proceeded to cry and lay on the couch. I sat with him for thirty ( 30) minutes or so, and went home as he fell asleep. 33. A few days later, at Harv’s Diner again, Malcolm and Ken seemed very tense. Ken advised Malcolm that he could not function anymore and that something better be done right now. I can’t go on like this. Ken asked Malcolm if he had heard anything more on the cop, Malcolm said I will talk to you at my office. 34. Approximately four (4) to five (5) days prior to Ken death, a male in a Mercedes Benz showed up in front of Ken’s home and got out of the car. The car was facing towards town, I asked him if he was looking for someone. He said he was from Ottawa and was a Land Developer looking to buy property. His phone rings in the car and reached into shut it off. As he reached in I noticed a gun on his belt. I asked him if he was a cop and he advised that he was a Land Developer. He asked me “who lives in this house” as he is pointing towards Ken Seguin’s home. I advise that it is Ken Seguin’s home. He said the lots are small and made small talk. In retrospect, I find it strange that this person was looking at Ken’s home. 35. Ken Seguin committed suicide on the night of November 24, 1993. 36. A few days prior to November 24, 1993, Ken advised that he was going to draft a confession in a report form and quit his position. He was attempting to figure out his pension and talked about the points system. Ken stated that he was going to write it all down in a report. The report was later verified by Joss Van Deppen at Ken’s funeral. Joss advised me at the funeral that Ken had left a full report on his desk. He also stated that he told Ken to watch his step for years, Malcolm had also stated that Ken Seguin had left a report on his desk. 37. At the funeral, Malcolm made his way to me and told me to keep my mouth shut. He said whatever you know and whatever Ken said, “keep your mouth shut”. I questioned Malcolm on his involvement in Ken’s death. He said that he was only a messenger boy and became angered. He then left. 38. I, later that day, with my wife and son Dustin returned to Wilson’s funeral home to talk with Ron Wilson. He, Ron Wilson, stated that they were all into it up to their necks. He specifically named Claude Shaver, Bishop Larocque, Malcolm, Father Charlie, a Crown Attorney and then he stopped. He then stated that they will eventually get to the bottom of all of it. I stated there were others. He stated “Oh yes”. Ron Wilson then repeated the names of Claude Shaver, Bishop Larocque, the Catholic Church, Diocese of Alexandria, Malcolm MacDonald, Father Charles MacDonald and a Crown Attorney as been into it up to their necks and they will get to the bottom of it. I left shortly thereafter. 39. I make this affidavit no other or improper purpose. SWORN BEFORE ME at the ) Town of Newmarket, in the Regional Municipality of York ) This 13 day of November, 1996 ) __ A Commissioner, etc. _______________ Ron Leroux |
29 August 2008: PROTEST ROCKS INQUIRY | |
13 December 1996: Carole Hesse statement
04 December 1996: Ron Leroux statement re allegations of sexual abuse
13 November 1996: Ron Leroux Affidavit
22 June 2007: Ministry stands by local Crown
21 June 2007: Inquiry Witness Wanted To Help Former Police Officer
17 August 2000: Schedule B of The Lawsuit – “Storm Tossed House: Pending Arrest of Pedophiles Expected to Implicate Bishop”
10 February 1997: Robert Renshaw Affidavit
05 December 1996: Gerald Renshaw statement
January 1995: Milton MacDonald, father of Cornwall Crown Attorney Murray MacDonald and brother of former Cornwall Crown Attorney Malcolm MacDonald, is convicted