C-8 was sexually abused by Roman Catholic teacher Marcel Lalonde. He also alleged he was molested by Father Charles MacDonald, a priest in the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall.
(C-8 is testifying in camera. There is a publication ban on his name and identifiers. He was given the moniker C-8 at the Cornwall Public Inquiry.)
The following is C-8’s 12 December 1996 statement
STATEMENT [12 December 1996]
XXXXX [ C -8]
XXX Cornwall
D.O.B. 26 Dec 1964
My name is XXXXX [ C- 8] I am 32 years of age. I currently own and operate a XXXXXXXXX. I live in XXXXX Ontario and have resided there for the last 16 years. Ken Seguin’s house is located two doors east of my residence.
I was sexually assaulted by Father Charles MacDonald the St. Columban’s Church when I was 12-13 years of age. I was an alterboy at the time and attending Bishop MacDonell School. I remember that Father Charles MacDonald was the head priest of St. Columban’s at the time. I remember that I would practice serving mass during the week nights and then serve on Sunday usually at 11 o’clock mass. I can remember that Father Charles was the first person to ever sexually assault me. I have a hard time remembering if it was in the sacristy area of the church or in the parish house. One thing that I do remember is that he did assault me. He came over to one time when we were alone and he began to rub my arms and rub up and down my legs. He then grabbed me by the bag. I was in shock I left the church. I quit going to church after my father died, I would have been about 15 years old at the time.
Not long after Father Charlie assaulted me I was assaulted by Marcel Lalonde during Grade 7-8 at Bishop MacDonell school. Marcel would always pick me out of class to go and make soup that was sold at lunch time in the lunch room for twenty-five cents a bowl. He used to take me to Massena with his girlfriend Dianne. One night he asked me to sleep over after we got back from bowling. Marcel ended up in bed with me. He reached over and started playing with my penis and bag, he was rubbing me all over. He masturbated himself and then fell asleep with me. When I woke up the next morning he was still in bed with me. It was common knowledge in school that Marcel Lalonde diddled boys. Marcel told my mother that he wanted to be my big brother after my dad died. Marcel sexually assaulted me on more that one occasion. There is no doubt in my mind that Marcel Lalonde is a pedophile.
I knew Ken Seguin for years. I remember that when he moved here that there was always alot of activity at the residence. Ken was a good host, there was always lots of beer.
When Father Charlie MacDonald came down to visit Ken, after Ken moved in, I knew what he was all about.
I remember parties at Ken Seguin’s house and Malcolm MacDonald’s cottage on Stanley Island. Some of the people I remember being there were:
1. Ken Seguin
3. Bishop Eugene LaRocque
4. Doug Seguin
5. Ron Wilson
6. Father Charles MacDonald
7. Father Kevin Maloney – seen him at Ken’s a couple of times.
8. Stuart McDonald
9. Father Bernard Cameron
10. Claude Shaver
11. Murray MacDonald
12. Mark Menard
13. David Latrielle
14. Gino ?- was always with David Latrielle
15. Daniel Flipson
16. Sylvain Flipson
17. Pitou (P2) Harvey Berry Jr.
18 . Robert Renshaw
19. Fred Renshaw
20. Dale Crowder
21. Al Laplante
22. Fern Touchette
23. Cara Berry
24. Joss Van Deepen
25. Brian McDonald
26. Don Warden
27. and several others
Malcolm MacDonald has shown me several pictures of nude males some that are young and some that are adults. I remember one time when I was going to Florida with Malcolm and Ron he showed me several pictures of young kids nude, it would make me sick to look at these pictures. I think Malcolm was trying to get me.
Malcolm brought male prostitutes to his cottage a couple of times. He would say my boyfriend from Florida is coming up. He would indicate to me that I could come over if I wanted and join in the fun. It was an offer that I never accepted.
I lived with Ron Leroux for about 10 years. Ron Leroux was sexually assaulted by priests when he was young. He would break down sometimes when he was drinking and tell me.
A lot of the guys would get together at Tim Horton’s or Harv’s Diner on Pitt street for lunch or coffee.
Ken Seguin, Malcolm MacDonald, Father Charles MacDonald, Ron Wilson and Claude Shaver were all good buddies that would do anything for each other.
I did not see Shaver around Ken’s as much as the others. I do remember one night, about two years after Ken moved into his house in Summerstown, there was a dinner party. I attended this dinner and I remember that also in attendance were Bishop Eugene Larocque,
Chief Claude Shaver, Malcolm MacDonald, Ron Leroux and Ken.
Joss VanDeepen knew what was going on at Ken Seguin’s.
I would often go over to Ken Seguin’s house and there were young boys there. Malcom MacDonald quit his Law practice because of all of this.
Ken killed himself because he was the weak link in the chain. I knew this guy was after him for money.
My life has been messed up since Father Charlie MacDonald sexually assaulted me. It got worse when Marcel Lalonde assaulted me. I would like to heal and I would like to make sure that other children do not have to go through what I went through when I was growing up. I would Like both Marcel Lalonde and Father Charles MacDonald to be charged for sexually assaulting me.
I recognize the following people from pictures that Perry Dunlop showed me. They are as follows:
#2. Claude Shaver
#6. Father Kevin Maloney– I recall being at suppers
#7. Stuart McDonald
#8. Bishop Eugene Larocque
#9. Stuart McDonald
#10. Andre Pommier
#11. Father Kevin Maloney
#12. Bishop Eugene Larocque
#15. Father David Ostler
#16. Ron Wilson
#17. Murray MacDonald
#18. Malcolm MacDonald
#20. Father Charles MacDonald
#21(b) Father David Ostler
I remember one time when the Lancaster Ontario Provincial Police came to do a search warrant on Ron Leroux’s residence, which is XXXX . I had called and complained about firearms that Ron Leroux had that may have been not registered properly. The officers came when Ron was away in Florida and conducted a search. I let them in because I had a key. I recall that they found an old rusty 22 caliber rifle. During the search they also located a large brown briefcase\suitcase full of video tapes. I had never seen these tapes before, and I do not believe that they were Ron’s. Whoever placed these tapes there knew that it was a special location, a sort of secret hiding spot upstairs. The officers took these tapes with them and I have never seen them again.
The reason that I am coming forward is that these men who molest children have got to be stopped. I knew that eventually this would all come out and this group of pedophiles would be stopped.
I make this statement of my own free will.
12 December 1996
Sexual abuse allegations against Cornwall priest and Catholic school teacher
Below is the 23 January 1997 statement containing C-8’s allegations of sexual abuse suffered as an altar boy against Father Charles MacDonald, a Roman Catholic priest in the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall, and his allegations of sexual abuse against Marcel Lalonde, a Roman Catholic school teacher in Cornwall, Ontario, Canada.
C-8 is the moniker given to the man at the Cornwall Public Inquiry. There is a publication ban on his name. He testified in camera at the inquiry. (Spelling errors,i.e., “alterboy” for altar boy, in the original) During his testimony he allegedly changed some of his testimony. The transcripts of his testimony were not made available.
XXXX Cornwall
D.O.B. XXXX 1964
My name is C-8. I am 32 years of age. I currently own and operate a business called XXXXX. . I have been in the XXXXX for about eleven years. I am single and currently live alone in XXXXX Ontario and have resided there for the last 16 years.
I was an alterboy at St Columban’s church in Cornwall when I was eleven years old. Both my parents attended church every Sunday and I would always go with them. I asked my dad if I could be an alterboy because I wanted to make him proud and he said sure, go talk to Father Charlie. I went and spoke to Father Charlie and he said sure, but you will have to come to church in the evening and practice. Charles MacDonald was the head priest of St. Columban’s at the time. I remember that I would practice serving mass during the week nights and then serve on Sunday usually at 11 o’clock mass. I can remember that Father Charles was the first person to ever sexually assault me. For the next two years I found that I would often be alone with Father Charlie in and around the church. Father Charlie would often rub my arms neck and shoulders. He would tell me how good I was doing and that I had a bright future and he wanted me to work around the church. I noticed that when we were alone he was more friendly when he would be rubbing me. He would have this smirk on face like a smiling smirk.
After about two years I remember I was serving a special mass one evening. Prior to serving the mass Father Charlie and I were alone in the sacristy of the church. I remember that I was sitting on a bench in the sacristy. I had put my alterboy clothes on I think it is called a Cossack. I was getting ready for mass and Father Charlie came over to me and sat down on the same bench and told me how proud he was of my work. He sat down on my left side put his right arm around me and with his left arm. He began to rub my arms and rub up and down my legs. He told me the usual how good I was doing an that I had a bright future. Then he grabbed my penis and bag and jerked it. I was in shock and I pulled away but he continued to rub my legs up to my crotch. This continued for about five minutes. During this time he had this smiling smirk look on his face.
I remember thinking how am I going to go out and serve mass with this guy. How do I tell my parents. It bugged me after the incident and I wanted to tell my dad but I was so embarrassed. I mean we went to church every Sunday. I never got a chance to tell my dad and he died when I was 13 years old. I quit going to church after my father died. My belief system was shattered after Father Charlie assaulted me. I always kept my distance from Father Charlie after this incident. I felt very trapped. I had no trust in adults and I felt ashamed and scared. I served on the alter at my father’s funeral.
I swore that when my father died that I would never set foot in a Catholic church again. I already had in my mind when I walked into St Columban’s church on the morning of my father’s funeral this would be the last time I went to church because of what Father Charlie did to me before, the sexual assault. On the morning of my father’s funeral I was again getting ready to serve mass in the church sacristy. Father Charlie came over to me from behind and started telling me how sorry he felt about my dad passing away. He began to rub my arms telling me don’t worry everything is going to be all right. He said if there is anything I can do for you just let me know. He asked if I wanted to come back after the funeral and he asked me if I had ever had a candle stuck up my butt. He took a candle in his hand and he started rubbing my butt under my Cossack. He told me that it was a good way to relax and forget about everything. He continued for about five to ten minutes rubbing me and talking to me. I was scared when he was doing this. I just kept thinking I don’t want a candle up my ass get me out of here. I could not believe it I mean it’s my dad’s funeral I’m hurting bad and this sick bastard wants to put a candle up my rectum. My religious beliefs were shattered on this day and I will carry this scar for the rest of my life a big part of me died with my dad on that day. I lost all respect for authority and the church. To this day I do not go to church except an occasional wedding or funeral. After my dad died I could not bring myself to tell my mom because she was going through a hard time emotionally.
Not long after Father Charlie assaulted me I was assaulted by Marcel Lalonde during Grade 7-8 at Bishop MacDonell school. Marcel would always pick me out of class to go and make soup that was sold at lunch time in the lunch room for twenty-five cents a bowl, Marcel made me feel special he would buy me clothes. Since my dad died I felt like Marcel cared about me and was trying to help me out by being good to me. I felt great looking up to him like I had a big brother. In fact Marcel Lalonde even asked my mom if he could be my big brother I remember that she agreed because she had to raise four boys. Marcel was always there for me taking me everywhere. He would take me away for weekends to different places in his Honda Civic Five speed and every time that he would shift he would rub my leg look at me and smile. He used to take me to Massena with his girlfriend Dianne and we would go bowling. One night after bowling we went back to his house and he fed me beer and was playing the stereo loud. He called my mom and asked her if I could sleep over she said sure because by now she trusted him. Marcel’s girlfriend Dianne left and we were alone. Marcel ended up in bed with me. He reached over and started playing with my penis and bag, he was rubbing me all over trying to make me hard. He sucked me off until I came. He then masturbated himself. I remember that he was shaking all over, he then fell asleep with me. When I woke up the next morning he was still in bed with me, he woke up and started rubbing me all over. After what had happened with Father Charlie and now with Marcel I thought this must be normal. I mean here were two people that I had trusted and my parents trusted and they were assaulting me.
I remember that on two school trips to Toronto Marcel sexually assaulted me again. Marcel would give me spending money on these trips. We were in a school gym and it was full of people from my school. Marcel came over to me and made his bed next to my bed and late in the night he began to suck me off. I kept on thinking that here is this guy I trusted my mom trusted and liked and he is sucking me off all the time. I did not feel that my mom would believe me.
Marcel would often take me to his dad’s cottage in Lancaster. I recall another incident when Marcel took me for a boat ride to St. Anisette Quebec. He gave me beer to drink, he would also give me pot he would encourage me to take both drugs and alcohol when I was with him. I remember that he stopped the boat on the way back and he wanted me to suck him off. I could not do it so he just jerked off all over me. He said that it was natural for a man to do that. We then went back to his dad’s cottage.
I tried to avoid seeing him but it was hard because of school. In grade eight he would still ask me to make the soup. When the grade seven kids went on a trip Marcel wanted me to go with him and help supervise the trip. I went and he assaulted me again. I kept thinking will this guy ever leave me alone. When we came back from the trip I remember that people were asking me if Marcel was gay and I said no because I did not want people to think that I was gay. I was very embarrassed.
I finally got away from Marcel. I heard that he found another boy. It was common knowledge in school that Marcel Lalonde diddled boys. I could never understand why the Catholic School Board kept him on as a teacher. Marcel sexually assaulted on several occasions. There is no doubt in my mind that Marcel Lalonde is a pedophile.
I quit school at the age of fifteen. I felt very violated and could not trust anyone. I would often cry alone for hours wishing that my dad would have been around to teach me the proper ways in life.
To try and forget I turned into a workaholic working 70-80 hours per week at XXXX. I also turned to drugs and alcohol to try to forget the pain. This is on my mind every single minute of the day, week, year like a bad dream.
My life is in ruins because of my past. I am totally screwed up emotionally. I have an extremely hard time establishing and developing relationships of any length. People around town think that I am a homosexual. I suffer from depression I have had thoughts of suicide. I feel that I have been robbed of my childhood including finishing school. I have been confused about sex and sexuality my entire life.
My life has been messed up since Father Charlie MacDonald sexually assaulted me. It got worse when Marcel Lalonde assaulted me. I would like to heal and I would like to make sure that other children do not have to go through what I went through when I was growing up. I would Like both Marcel Lalonde and Father Charles MacDonald to be charged for sexually assaulting me.
23 January 1997