Why is Justice Glaude’s affiliation with an Ontario police agency a Red Flag?
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Queen’s Park [Ontario Legislature], Toronto, 12 October 2000
Mr Garry J. Guzzo
… Three and a half years ago, I began by asking questions of those in authority—my Premier, my Attorney General and my Solicitor General—after I had uncovered information that I myself had difficulty believing.
In 1992, the Cornwall Police Service conducted an internal investigation and concluded there was nothing amiss and no charges to be laid with regard to allegations of a pedophile ring. In 1994, the Ontario Provincial Police did an investigation of the Cornwall force and made the same finding.
On Christmas Eve 1994, at a press conference, the provincial police stated that they had left no
stone unturned and could find no persons to charge and no evidence of any wrongdoing on the part of the Cornwall police.
But in 1995 and 1996, the Cornwall citizens committee, using their own funds and doing the work of the Ontario Provincial Police, turned up evidence to the contrary. On April 8, 1997, this committee served on the Attorney General of this province and the Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services, after the Solicitor General had refused to accept service, four boxes of evidence, which included affidavits, statements and documentation which apparently had been totally overlooked in not one but two previous investigations.
The Ontario Provincial Police then quietly embarked upon Project Truth. The same two individuals who headed the initial investigation for the OPP in 1993 and 1994 were assigned to head Project Truth. As a result of Project Truth, as of October 1, 2000, 115 charges have been laid, and 112 of those, by my examination, took place long before Christmas Eve 1994. The evidence of all those 112 charges was clearly available when the two investigations by the Cornwall police and the Ontario Provincial Police took place.
Some 67 weeks after April 8, 1997, on July 31, 1998, the Cornwall citizens committee served on the lead investigator of the Ontario Provincial Police Project Truth copies of the documentation contained in those four boxes that had been left 15 and a half months earlier with the two agencies of the Ontario government, and the lead investigator, Inspector Hall, signed a letter on July 31, 1998, acknowledging receipt of those four boxes of evidence and stating he had not seen this evidence prior thereto.
He had heard comments on an Ottawa radio station, CFRA, from the sister of one of the members of the Cornwall citizens committee, and he stopped the brother on the street and said, “What is your sister talking about?” and he told him. As a result of that, four days later those documents were served on Mr Hall, and he signed that letter. A very experienced police officer signed the letter: “I’ve never seen this before.”
Twenty-three months after April 8, 1997, after the serving of this documentation on two government departments, on March 8, 1999, I received a call at my home in Florida from a person who stated he was the number one person in the Ontario Provincial Police with regard to criminal investigation. He identified himself as Deputy Commissioner Frechette. He said quite clearly that he did not know of what I was speaking in my letter of February 23, 1999, to the Premier. A copy of this letter had recently come to his attention through the Solicitor General’s department. At that point, he did not have my initial letter of September 18, 1998.
I make it clear that I believed Deputy Commissioner Frechette, and I arranged to have my file turned over to him upon my return to Toronto. But two weeks later, when I contacted the deputy commissioner, he advised me that he no longer needed to see me and no longer needed to see my file. He had now seen this evidence. He admitted, “I have it now. I’m the number one man for criminal investigation, but I didn’t see it for 23 months.”
The issues here are clear and easily stated, but they’re difficult to understand. How is it possible that the Ontario Provincial Police went from zero charges on Christmas Eve 1994 to 115 charges on October 1 this year? How is it possible that for 67 weeks after the delivery of this documentation, on not one but two departments of the Ontario government, lead investigators on Project Truth had not been aware of the documentation? How is it possible that 23 months after the service on the Ontario government, the number one man responsible for criminal investigation in Ontario did not know of the documentation and, in particular, did not know of the affidavit of one individual which, in my opinion, was an inculpatory statement?
That man had not been interviewed by the police at that point in time.
We have here the makings of a very significant problem. Either the first two investigations were totally incompetent, or there has been a massive cover-up. There is no other possible answer. . . . . . . I also want to draw to your attention that the Ontario Provincial Police have announced the windup of Project Truth on four occasions. Four times they have said to the press, “We’ll be out of there at the end of the month.” The most recent was May. They said, “We’ll be finished by June.” We’re now told they’re looking at additional charges.
Every time they made that announcement, additional charges flowed.
27 June 2001, Queen’s Park, Toronto
Mr. Gary Guzzo
During its investigation at Cornwall, the Ontario Provincial Police entered the home of an Ontario probation officer pursuant to a search warrant authorizing the seizure of arms and narcotics. None were found. But without a warrant for the next-door neighbour’s home, they entered the home of the neighbour of the probation officer and again found no trace of arms or narcotics in that home. They did, however, seize a suitcase containing 24 or more pornographic movies. Some of these were commercially edited and sold and some were homemade, some from a camera mounted at the foot of the probation officer’s bed. That suitcase and contents have been identified as the property of the probation officer, who committed suicide before his
Mr Minister, this evidence, these films, have been in the hands of the OPP for over six years. The evidence has never been tendered in court proceedings and indeed many of the predators in these movies, both the commercial movies and the homemade movies, have never been charged. I’d like to ask you, sir, where those films are located at this time, and when will this evidence be returned to the estate of the probation officer, which it should be by law?. . . . . . . when I was debriefed by the OPP, visited by Detective Inspector Hall, the lead investigator for Project Truth, and one of his superiors from Orillia, I put that same question to Detective
Inspector Hall. Here was his answer. He said, “Mr Guzzo, we don’t have those tapes. We don’t have those films any more. We destroyed them.”
I said, “No, no, you can’t destroy evidence in this province. That’s against the law.” He said, “The man was dead; he wasn’t going to be charged.”
I said, “What about the other people in the movies? What about the kingpins of this organization who were also seen in those movies?” He shrugged his shoulders, the same way he did when he couldn’t explain the 115 charges that were missed three times.