McDougald: Monsignor Donald McDougald

Donald McDougald

Donald B. McDougald 

Monsignor Donald McDougald is priest in the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall.  McDougald He was ordained in 1951 for the Diocese of Alexandria, now the Diocese of Alexandrtia-Cornwall, Ontario.

Monsignor McDougald served as Vicar General Diocese.  

Ron Leroux alleges he was sexually abused as a boy by Monsignor Donald McDougald.   Charges were never laid.

Monsignor McDougald is one of a group of priests who along with former Bishop Eugene Larocque initiated legal action against a number of parties. 

Monsignor McDougald did not testify at the Cornwall Public Inquiry. Health concerns were cited and accepted as sufficient grounds to be excused.

The Allegations

The Lawsuit

 Cameron’s Point and the ritual

04 December 1996Ron Leroux Statement of 04 December 1996

Bishop Eugene Larocque along with Monsignor McDougald and five other priests from the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall initiated legal action in the Fall of 2000 against 8 persons or businesses.  The lawsuit did not proceed to discovery never mind trial.  Some defendants had their costs paid by the plaintiffs/.

See the Statement of Claim and further details regarding the lawsuit here:   The Lawsuit


 20 January 2009:   BLOG Relieved

12 September 2007:  BLOG Been there. Done that

27 June 2007:  BLOG Who is this?

 MEDIA coverage

Priest won’t testify

Cornwall Standard Freeholder

13 September 2008

(Staff) — A local Catholic priest will not have to testify at the inquiry, the tribunal’s commissioner ruled yesterday.

In the mid-1990s, Rev. Donald McDougald was responsible for ensuring the diocese’s policy on handling sexual abuse complaints was being followed.

There were concerns about his health, however. On Friday Comm. Normand Glaude ruled he would not be forced to take the stand.

Coalition for Action attorney Frank Horn argued unsuccesssfully that it was important to put questions to McDougald, and that the priest testify in a “much quieter setting.”

Article ID# 1198204

Comments on this Article.
There are concerns about this man’s health? What kind of justice is that? If he is in ill health, he can be questioned at a location of the commission’s choosing. Using videotape, his testimony can then be made a part of the investigation. Norman Glaud, as the grand Inqui8sitor, has locked a man in jail for telling the truth, but he will not question a man who was an integral part of the problem? How much are Canadians paying for this inquiry? Millions of dollars? Not a wise investment. The Inquiry has all the elements of a scandal of it’s own!

Reply | Report | Page Top Post #1 By KayNKansas,


They did at a real trial and cuz the prosecution had no proof he was stayed. Even in Kansas when you have no proof you loose..

Back to Kansas toto

Reply | Report | Page Top Post #2 By itinerant,

Hello KayNKansas, don’t pay any attention to that clown ITINERANT as he is PART OF THE PROBLEM and ABSOLUTELY NONE OF THE SOLUTION. Don’t waste your time with him and don’t worry, he changes his name now and then, but the STUPIDITY of him still stands out and if you try hard enough, you can even smell his STENCH!

Reply | Report | Page Top Post #3 By jacksback4good

KayNKansas, if the man in jail to whom you are referring is Mr. Dunlop, he is not in jail because he told the truth, he is in jail for refusing a court order to testify. Apples and oranges.

Reply | Report | Page Top Post #4 By getreal,

Perry Dunlop is in jail to make an example of him for outing all the pedophiles and the old boys club in this town and that is the truth.

Reply | Report | Page Top Post #5 By dodger,

WRONG PRIEST ITINERANT!!!! They are talking about McDougald in this article NOT MacDonald!!! Geez…..

Reply | Report | Page Top Post #6 By RealityChecker,

Pedophile ring stories will persist, monsignor fears

Doubts accusers will be deterred by police findings

24 August 2001, Toronto Star



Persistent, scandalous tales of a secret clan of eastern On­tario pedophiles likely won’t be silenced by a police probe that debunks the alleged ring’s very existence, a church official said yesterday.

But those who continue to accuse prominent Cornwall residents of sexually abusing children — and police of cover­ing it up — will soon suffer the  consequences, said Monsignor Donald McDougald, hinting at the possibility of lawsuits against the accusers.

“It’ll probably never come to an end in the minds of some . people who are willing to be­lieve the worst,” said the vicar-general of the diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall. “It’s a source of great anger in the minds of some of us. I don’t know what will ever bring it to rest.”

Prominent members of the region’s Roman Catholic clergy have been among those ac­cused of being part of a pedo­phile ring some say has existed in the eastern Ontario city since the early 1960s.

On Wednesday, provincial police ended their four-year probe of the alleged ring, dubbed Project Truth. They concluded the allegations are baseless,

That didn’t surprise Helen Dunlop. “It’s a great disap­pointment. But it’s not at all surprising.”

Her husband Perry, a retired Cornwall police officer, was among the first to make allega­tions about the ring in 1993.

Dunlop said she and her hus­band remain convinced the ring is for real and that police are complicit in a cover-up that extends all the way to the On­tario government.

“They’ve known that this has been going on in Cornwall for years,” Dunlop said from her home in British Columbia.

“They don’t want to deal with it because they know it’s going to mean massive payouts, civil suits, and crimi­nal charges against people who have a lot of power, clout and connections.

Garry Guzzo, a Conservative MPP and a former judge, at­tracted national attention earli­er this year when he threatened to identify suspects he believes ought to he charged.

He had planned to name names in the Legislature, where parliamentary privilege allows politicians to speak without fear of legal reprisals.

[15 charged not a ring police said]

Guzzo changed his mind af­ter meeting with Attorney-Gen­eral David Young, but not before a number of media outlets identified one man never charged. Guzzo did not return calls to his office yesterday.

The MPP for Ottawa West-Nepean will only be hurting himself if he decides to make good on his threat to name names, the monsignor said.

Project Truth ended after 672 people were interviewed and 69 complainants identified.

Fifteen people were charged, with 115 offences ranging from gross indecency to indecent as­sault on a male and sexual as­sault on a male, but they never constituted a ring, police con­cluded.

Seven people remain before the courts or await trial.

No more charges are planned, OPP Detective-Superintendent Jim Miller said.