Father Kevin Maloney
Father Kevin Joseph Maloney Father Kevin is a Roman Catholic priest ordained 1972 for the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall, Ontario. Allegations of sex abuse at St. Joseph’s Training School in Alfred, Ontario – charges were never laid and I believe Father Maloney said that he never served at the Alfred school. Allegations by at least two people that Father Maloney was seen at the home of probation officer Ken Seguin denied. Allegations by Ron Leroux that Father Maloney was at several dinner parties the St. Andrew’s church rectory in St. St. Andrew’s West denied. Also Ron Leroux allegation that he saw Father Maloney with a young boy in Father Charlie’s bedroom. Rebuffed John MacDonald when John was struggling to come forward with sex abuse allegations against Father Charles MacDonald. Father Maloney’s lawyer was Sean Adams – the same lawyer who represented Dave Silmser in the illegal $32,000 pay-off – Adams claims he failed to notice the illegal clause in the paperwork) Testified at the Cornwall Public Inquiry (but not in relation to the sex abuse allegations) |
Some Background Info |
[Most of the following information is taken from the The Lawsuit and the Malcolm MacDonald Overview of Documentary Evidence]BA from St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova ScotiaBachelor of Theology, Masters in Religious Education from St. Paul’s University, Ottawa Ontario.Has served on boards of both the Children’s Aid Society (CAS) and the Cornwall General Hospital.
Friend of lawyer Malcolm MacDonald. (MacDonald did legal work for Father Maloney. Malcolm was Father Charles MacDonald’s lawyer who was changed with a entered guilty plea to obstruction of justice re the illegal gag in the $32,000 pay-off of David Silmser) Ordained: 1972 1974: founder of Big Brothers Association in Cornwall, Ontario. At some time served as President of of the local association and then served on National Board of Directors of the Big Brothers Association of Canada. Served as Director of Religious Education for the Stormont-Dunda and Glengarry School Boards – according to lawsuit “coordinated religious programming for elementary English schools and provided liaison and instruction for teachers. 1996 – ?: Chaplain at Cornwall County jail 1998: Honourary Big Brother of the Year (Big Brothers Assoc. of Cornwall) |
Lawsuit |
Father Maloney was one one of six priests from the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall who, along with Bishop Eugene Larocque, initiated legal action in the Fall of 2000 against 8 persons or businesses. The lawsuit did not proceed to discovery never mind trial.See the Statement of Claim and further details regarding the lawsuit here:
_______________ The Sean Adams/Father Kevin Maloney connection: (John MacDonald Testimony and Evidence re Cornwall lawyer Sean Adams representing Father Kevin Maloney and suggesting Maloney report John to police for leaving a message on Maloney’s answering machine. Adams was also the lawyer who represented David Silmser in the infamous $32,000 pay-off ) 11 August 1995: John MacDonald hand-written letter to Father Kevin Maloney 15 August 1995: Father Kevin Maloney reply to John MacDonald 26 April 1996: Letter to John MacDonald from Constable Burnie (Cornwall Police Service) re Father Kevin Maloney April 1996 (Burnie provides chronology of events after John left a message on Father Kevin Maloney’s answering machine (19 August 1995) and Father Maloney in turn called the police, allegedly complaining that he wanted “these types of phonecalls” stopped.) |
04 July 2008: BLOG Major victories___________
Transcripts 04 July 2008: Father Kevin Maloney – transcript of testimony at Cornwall Public Inquiry 03 July 2008: Father Kevin Maloney – transcript of testimony at Cornwall Public Inquiry |
MEDIA coverage
City priest took leave of absenceCORNWALL PUBLIC INQUIRY Cornwall Standard Freeholder 05 July 2008 Posted By TREVOR PRITCHARD, STANDARD-FREEHOLDER A local priest stepped down as part-time chaplain at the old Cornwall Jail when sexual abuse allegations involving him appeared online, the Cornwall Public Inquiry heard yesterday. “I took a leave of absence until the issue could be clarified,” said Rev. Kevin Maloney, 62, the current pastor at St. Peter’s Church. In 1996, Maloney began spending about eight hours a week at the now-closed jail, ministering to both inmates and staff. Four years later, allegations that he sexually abused boys in the 1970s and 1980s appeared on at least two websites that claimed priests from the Alexandria-Cornwall Roman Catholic Diocese were part of a clan of pedophiles. In September 2000, an inspector for the the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, Paul Downing, came to Cornwall and interviewed Maloney about the allegations. Maloney flatly denied the claims and told Downing he found the entire matter “trying and unsettling.” “It has called my reputation in the community and the jail into question,” Maloney said during the 55-minute interview. “It has compromised my ability to minister to my parish and at the jail.” Inquiry lawyer Simon Ruel asked Maloney to explain how the accusations had affected his work, to the extent that he would take time off. “Part of my work as a priest is to be a person with integrity,” said Maloney. “If it was questioned, my effectiveness was zilch.” At the time, Maloney was also a priest at St. Columban’s Church. He testified Thursday he never considered stepping away from his pastoral duties. That apparent contradiction piqued the curiosity of inquiry commissioner Normand Glaude. “You withdrew from the jail, but you didn’t withdraw from the parish,” said Glaude. “Can you explain why you did one and not the other?” “Because if you’re in a jail situation and if you get labeled as child molester, you are not safe,” Maloney replied. Maloney has never been charged with any crime stemming from a sexual abuse allegation. In 2001, the province’s criminal injuries compensation board dismissed a financial claim brought by one alleged victim against the priest. During his cross-examination, Dallas Lee, a lawyer for The Victims Group, showed Maloney two lists of 21 clergymen who had been accused of abusing children. Lawyers had spent Wednesday and Thursday wrangling over those names, trying to find out how to balance the public’s right to know with the privacy rights of priests never charged with a crime. In the end, Glaude ruled that 16 of the names would be made public, while another five remained confidential. Most of the public names had either been charged or had come up during prior testimony at the inquiry, which is exploring how institutions like the diocese handled historical sexual abuse allegations. Lee asked Maloney if he’d ever personally received an abuse complaint, or information from another source, about any of the men on the two lists. Maloney said he hadn’t. Coalition for Action lawyer Ian Paul asked Maloney what rules the diocese’s priests were expected to follow if someone admitted to sexual abuse while taking confession. “It’s not a diocesan policy, it’s a church policy, universal,” said Maloney. “What happens in confession, stays in confession.” “There would not be a duty to report?” asked Paul. “That’s correct,” replied Maloney. While the online allegations placed Maloney “under a tremendous amount of anxiety and stress,” he told the inquiry there was also a positive side to being painted as a pedophile. “It made me become less independent,” said Maloney. “I had to become more reliant on prayer. I had to depend upon the support that I received from family, from friends, and from parishioners.” The inquiry is scheduled to resume July 14. Comments “Because if you’re in a jail situation and if you get labeled as child molester, you are not safe,” Maloney replied” Read the book BINGO by a local boy Caron and see what happenes to pedophiles in prison.. not nice at all.. but even criminals have scruples it seems Reply | Report | Page Top Post #1 By OutWest ………………………………… It would appear that in the R.C. church as has been seen before, you can pretty well do whatever you want, then go to “Confession”, say 3 “Hail Mary’s” and go out and do whatever you want all over again! Apparently, God in his wisdom NEVER foresaw how badly that would be abused ESPECIALLY by the priests themselves!!!! Well guys, I don’t care if you’re a priest, minister or whatever, ya ain’t gettin through THESE “pearly gates” but I will be more than pleased to arrange a meeting with the Devil Himself as that’s who you belong to and that’s where you’re going, unless of course there is a place worse than that (not inferring CornHole or anything like that!)!!! Reply | Report | Page Top Post #2 B saintpeter-47 |
Priest ‘angry’ at being namedCORNWALL PUBLIC INQUIRY Cornwall Standard Freeholder 04 July 2008 Posted By TREVOR PRITCHARD A city priest willingly turned over an accusation that he had sexually abused minors to the Children’s Aid Society in 1997, the Cornwall Public Inquiry heard yesterday. Rev. Kevin Maloney was one of a number of priests with the Alexandria-Cornwall Roman Catholic Diocese named in a lawsuit by former Cornwall cop Perry Dunlop. Dunlop launched the lawsuit in the late 1990s against a number of individuals and organizations in the Cornwall area, alleging they had conspired to keep the existence of a pedophile clan under wraps. Maloney was accused in the suit of committing “sexual improprieties” against children, first in 1975-1976 and again in the late 1980s. “I was angry (at being named),” Maloney told the inquiry, which is exploring how institutions like the diocese handled historical sexual abuse allegations. “And then I discussed it with the other men that were on the list and we brought it to the Children’s Aid Society.” Maloney said Thursday that while he denied the allegations, he still wanted to follow the diocese’s policy on handling abuse complaints. He said he believed the CAS would carry out a neutral investigation, adding he didn’t feel it was necessary to inform the police since they were being sued and would have therefore already known about the complaints. In the lawsuit, Dunlop also said Maloney had shown up “uninvited” at his home and tried to convince his family to leave Cornwall, saying he was no longer wanted on the city’s police force. “Did you discuss anything along those lines with Mr. Dunlop or his wife?” asked inquiry lawyer Simon Ruel. “No, I did not,” replied Maloney. “That’s false.” The visit was to check up on Dunlop’s spiritual wellbeing, said Maloney, who at the time was Dunlop’s pastor at St. Columban’s Church. “He had stopped going to church and I wanted him to know he was welcome to come back any time he chose,” he said. In 2000, the allegations against Maloney reappeared on at least two websites that argued a pedophile clan was alive and well in the Cornwall area. “I was even more angry with them because there was no way to fight them. I could not rely on the judicial system or anything,” said Maloney. “I felt there was nothing I could do.” Maloney later took part in a multi-million dollar lawsuit the diocese launched in late 2000 against the creator of one of the sites, Dick Nadeau. Nadeau shut down his site in April 2001. Although Maloney was questioned during Project Truth -a four-year investigation by the Ontario Provincial Police into the pedophile clan rumours -he was never charged by any police force with sexual abuse crimes. In 2001, the province’s criminal injuries compensation board dismissed a financial claim against Maloney stemming from the alleged assaults in the 1970s. Now a priest at St. Peter’s Church, Maloney testified he never discussed stepping down after the allegations appeared in Dunlop’s lawsuit. He is scheduled to retake the stand when the inquiry resumes this morning. |
Local Father Encouraged By U.S. Papal VisitCornwall New AM 1220 April 16, 2008 — It’s an important week for Catholics in Cornwall. Pope Benedict is visiting our neighbour to the south and Cornwallites are encouraged to follow his tour. His stay in the U.S. will be filled with high-profile events including two stadium masses in New York City before leaving Sunday night. Father Kevin MaLoney tells AM 1220 News the visit is a chance for us to get to know the Pope on a personal level. (Hear audio clip below) Father MaLoney adds that he hopes the Pope will address the issue of child sex abuse in the Catholic church. This is Pope Benedict’s first visit to the U.S. since he was elected in 2005.
City priest vindicatedThe Cornwall Standard Freeholder 21 June 2001 Sultan Jessa By Sultan Jessa Ontario’s Criminal Injuries Compensation Board has dismissed a financial claim against a well-known Roman Catholic priest in the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall. The claim was launched in June of last year by Frederick Renshaw, who alleged he was sexually assaulted by Rev. Kevin Maloney between 1975 and 1979 when Renshaw was a resident at St. Joseph’s Training School in Alfred, Ont. A two-member panel dismissed the claim after Renshaw withdrew his accusation. Renshaw is currently serving a sentence in a federal penitentiary in western Canada. “I am greatly relieved this is finally over,” Maloney, who turns 55 this week, said Tuesday. “I have been vindicated.” Maloney, pastor at St. Columban’s Parish, insisted he was innocent from day one. He also emphasized he had never been to, or served at, the school in Alfred. Maloney’s lawyer David Scott, of the Ottawa firm of Borden Ladner Gervais, said the allegations had a profoundly negative impact on Maloney’s reputation and on his ability to carry out his calling as a priest. “Father Maloney was a victim from day one,” Scott said. Scott said it was “most unusual” the compensation board would even entertain a claim against someone who had not been convicted by a law court. “This really surprised us,” Scott said. He said it was quite clear from affidavits there was no case against Maloney to warrant police laying charges. Scott said it is also clear from affidavits to the board that Renshaw’s testimony was not worthy of credit. The Compensation for Victims of Crime Act 1990 requires people who claim to have been injured as a result of violent crime to file complaints within a year. Renshaw’s claim was filed more than 20 years later. Maloney opted for an open rather than electronic hearing via closed circuit TV to present documents and witnesses to prove he never worked as a priest outside the counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry. |