Eugene Larocque
(Eugene Philippe Larocque) Ordained 07 June 1952 as a diocesan priest for the Diocese of London, Ontario. Ordained Bishop of the Diocese of Alexandria in 24 June 1974 by Bishop Emmett Carter ( then Bishop of London Diocese). Died 16 December 2018. Eugene Larocque, formerly of the Roman Catholic Diocese of London, Ontario, served as Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall from 1974 to 2002.Larocque was bishop at the time of the now infamous $32,000 pay-off of David Silmser. Several individuals allege they have seen Larocque in the company of and at the home or cottage of several alleged paedophiles. Ron Leroux alleges he was sexually abused as a child by Larocque. Larocque was sued by Adrian St. Louis who alleged he was sexually abused as a teenager by the bishop. Three years and many legal gyrations later the suit ended with St. Louis saying “I do not hold (LaRocque) responsible whatsoever for the abuse I have suffered.” 18 December 2018: “Death of The Most Reverend Eugène Philippe LaRocque Bishop Emeritus of Alexandria-Cornwall” & related articles |
Transcripts |
02 April 2013: BLOG Back to “Quam Bonum” (re cottage on Big Rideau Lake purchased by Larocque and group of priest from London Diocese in 1968)
12 June 2011: BLOG Eugene Larocque, Bishop Emeritus of Alexandria-Cornwall, now ministering at St. Anne’s in Tecumseh (Diocese of London – right beside Windsor, Ontario) 24 November 2008: BLOG The agony (re testimony Larocque told Nancy Seguin in return for the payoff Silmser was not to to bring charges against Charlie, and Det. Insp. Smith’s conclusion that because Leduc isn’t a criminal lawyer he could not have written the illegal clause) 28 August 2008: BLOG More surreal by the moment (victims in Weave Shed for Larocque testimony) 27 August 2008: BLOG His little secret (Larocque knew Lapierre was a predator and remained silent) 26 August 2009: BLOG Time out (re, among other things “consensual” and nigh panic attack for the the episcopal lawyer over his client’s verbosity) 25 August 2008: BLOG We shall see (a deal made?)) 12 October 2006: BLOG Connecting the dots (Re Leduc interference at Deslaurier Prelim, and Nelson Barque connections) |
28 August 2014: Transcript of Bishop Eugene Larocque testimony at Cornwall Public Inquiry27 August 2008: Transcript of Bishop Larocque testimony at Cornwall Public Inquiry 26 August 2008: Transcript of Bishop Larocque testimony at Cornwall Public Inquiry 01 August 2008: Transcript of Bishop Laorocque testimony at Cornwall Public Inquiry31 July 2008: Transcript of Bishop Larocque testimony at Cornwall Public Inquiry30 July 2008: Transcript of Bishop Larocque testimony at Cornwall Public Inquiry 1977-1984: Bishop Eugene P. Larocque State Chaplain Ontario Knights of Columbus |
Further Info |
DOB: 27 March 1927 Windsor, Ontario (son of Eugene J Larocque and Angeline Monforton)
1945: entered St. Peter’s Seminary, London, Ontario 07 June 1952: ORDAINED- Graduate studies at St. Michael’s, Toronto 1956: MA in French, Laval University, Quebec 1965-1968: Dean of Christ the King College, an affiliate of St. Peter’s Seminary, London, Ontario. Late 60s: – joint purchase of a cottage “Quam Bonum” on Big Rideau Lake (approximately 300 miles from London and 45 minute drive from Kingston, Ontario). The cottage, which was purchased with a group of priests from the London diocese, was sold in 1998. (the cottage was actually initially a two story home which burnt down. After the fire the group built the current bungalow/cottage) 03 September 1974: consecrated bishop at St. Anne’s parish, Tecumseh, Ontario, by Bishop Emmett Carter, (co-consecrators Archbishops Jean-Marie Fortier of Sherbrooke Quebec and Philip Pocock, Toronto.) 15 September 1974: – installed as the sixth Bishop of the Diocese of Alexandria at St. Finnan’s Cathedral, Alexandria. 17 September 1976: Diocese of Alexandria renamed Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall and La Nativite church in Cornwall raised to rank of Co-Cathedral. 1977: State chaplain for the Knights of Columbus of Ontario 1977: First Chairman of the Liason Committee between the Canadian Jewish Congress, the Canadian Council of Churches and the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. 1979: Bishop “ponens” for the Knights of Columbus in Canada 1986: Father Gilles Deslaurier charged after parents of molested boy discover Larocque has not kept promise to keep Deslaurier away from children. 1986: Father Gilles Deslaurier charged. Convicted. 1990 -1992: Vice-President Ontario Conference of Catholic Bishops (assistant secretary Msgr. Rejean Lebrun) 1992-1994: President Ontario Catholic Conference of Bishops 1994: the Cornwall sex abuse scandal starts to erupt with word that an “alleged” victim of clerical sexual abuse was paid off and illegally gagged. 2003: retired to Diocese of London, Ontario 17 April 2004: One of 170 guests at Knights of Columbus Council #43924 dinner in Windsor, Ontario, Bishops Larocque and Paul Marchand concelebrated Mass at the Parish of the Atonement prior to the dinner (Knights of Columbus State Bulletin Sept. 2004) 2005: sex abuse lawsuit launched against Larocque after retirement moved to Tecumseh, Ontario – living in rectory and assisting at St. Anne’s Roman Catholic Church and continues to be active in Knights of Columbus 21 September 2013: Celebrant at funeral Mass for Father Robert Albert Charbonneau. [Father Charbonneau was one of the group of priests from the London Diocese who, along with Larocque, purchased a property in 1968 on Big Rideau Lake near Westport Ontario The group named the home Quam Bonum] |
MEDIA links | Documents |
18 December 2018: “Death of The Most Reverend Eugène Philippe LaRocque Bishop Emeritus of Alexandria-Cornwall” & related articles
03 February 2009: On-the-job training 30 August 2008: Answers at last 29 August 2008: PROTEST ROCKS INQUIRY 28 August 2008: Bishop withheld documents, but complied with police requests 28 August 2008: Dunlop supporters protest outside Cornwall sex-abuse inquiry 28 August 2008: Bishop withheld documents, but complied with police requests 27 August 2008: “Diocese Did Not Provide Police With All Information-LaRocque” & related article 26 August 2008: Priest admitted he engaged in homosexual acts, says LaRocque 16 August 2008: Former bishop provides some intriguing testimony 16 August 2008: “Former bishop testifies at Cornwall inquiry” & related article 02 August 2008: Former bishop apologizes for statements at inquiry 02 August 2008: Canadian bishops opposed settlement: Urged local bishop not to approve it 01 August 2008: “Church Settlement May Not Have Happened: LaRocque” & related article 31 July 2008: Former bishop knowingly recruited priest who liked boys 30 July 2008: ‘I was under his control’ (Larocque re Deslaurier) 06 July 2005: Retired Catholic Bishop faces lawsuits over alleged abuses 12 June 2008: Priest admitted to gay ‘incident,’ not sex assault 26 April 2002: Bishop stepping down 29 January 2001: Bishop Eugene Larocque supported the banned Army of Mary 30 May 1986: Accused priest ends posting in Hull church |
QUAM BONUM (the Larocque et al cottage on Big Rideau Lake)
__________________ Spring 2006: Bishop Eugene-Philippe LaRocque con-consecrator for Bishop Blaise Morand, Diocese of Prince Albert, Sask. 26 September 2005: David Sherif Scott to Paul Ledroit re lawsuit commenced by Laroque asking that Ledroit Beckett therefore remove itself from the action 07 September 2005: Statement of Claim lawsuit filed by Eugene Philippe Larocque against Paul Ledroit, Adrien St. Louis and Ledroit Beckett August 2009: Bishop Eugene Larocque at KOC Supreme Council in Phoenix, Arizona December 2004: Bishop Eugene Larocque re Fatima statutes installed at St Joseph RC Church, River Canard KOC |
MEDIA Coverage |
Ste Anne’s Church, Celebration of Bishop Eugene LaRocque’s Diamond Jubilee[The Town of Tecumseh website ]
Jun 10 2012 11:00am – 11:30am
On Sunday, June 10, 2012, Bishop Euguene LaRocque of Ste Anne’s Church will be celebrating his Diamond Jubilee at the 10:00 a.m. mass. Following mass, at approximately 11:00 a.m., an outdoor procession and blessing of the four cardinal points of the parish will take place. All are welcome. For further information, please contact Ste. Anne’s Church. |
LaRocque exonerated: churchCornwall Standard Freeholder 17 December 2008 (Staff) — Bishop Paul-Andre Durocher announced the “exoneration” of former Alexandria- Cornwall Bishop Eugene LaRocque from a complaint he allegedly sexually abused a teenage boy in the mid-1970s. The alleged victim filed a lawsuit against LaRocque and Father Don Scott, a parish priest in Maxville at the time, three years ago concerning the allegations. Scott died previous to the man accusing the priest of the abuse. Durocher said “the diocese acknowledged the probable guilt of Father Scott soon after the lawsuit was launched, but always defended Bishop LaRocque” based on discrepancies in the dates of the alleged abuse and LaRocque’s time at the local diocese. The Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall admitted the liability of Scott at a mediation of the lawsuit on Nov. 12, wrote Durocher. Durocher’s statement said at the meeting the victim said, “I do not hold (LaRocque) responsible whatsoever for the abuse I have suffered.” The victim, his lawyer, Durocher and LaRocque could not be reached for comment. Comments on this Article. ……………………………… Reply | Report | Page Top Post #1 By Hillside, ……………………………… This is the diocese that punished a police officer for trying to protect children against sexual abuse by priests, right? And the inquiry jailed that police officer for doing his job. How can anything they say or do be credible to anyone? Reply | Report | Page Top Post #2 By KayNKansas, |
LaRocque issues apologyCornwall Standard Freeholder 29 August 2008 Eugene LaRocque left the Cornwall Public Inquiry with an apology for the Reading from a prepared statement, LaRocque said he never intended to hurt anyone during his tenure with the Alexandria-Cornwall Roman Catholic Diocese. “I want to take this final opportunity to apologize to the community of Cornwall, to all the faithful of the diocese, to all the people in it who were hurt by mistakes I made during my administration,” said LaRocque. “I also want to apologize to anyone who was hurt by any action of any priest.” He finished with a pledge to keep “all in my prayers in my daily mass.” LaRocque, 81, was bishop from 1974 until 2002. His actions during those years — including hiring a priest convicted of sexual abuse in the U. S., and signing a $32,000 deal that kept an abuse victim from going to police — were scrutinized carefully during his eight days on the stand. Dallas Lee, an attorney for The Victims Group, said while some of his clients would appreciate LaRocque’s apology, others would find it “broad and general and vague.” “It’s a little bit difficult to reconcile his general apology with the entirety of his testimony,” said Lee. ……………………………………… Comments on this Article. so an apology for this guy is okay but Jail is okay for Perry Dunlop what the hell is wrong with the world anymore. Someone charge this guyy with obstruction of justice and hiding a crime. Reply | Report | Page Top Post #1 By dodger, ……………………………………… Reply | Report | Page Top Post #2 By dodger, This is Cornwall for you. Molest a child? Go home. Kill your spouse? Go home. Unleash an abusive priest on an unsuspecting community? Go home. Refuse to participate in a quasi-judicial hearing? Go to jail for 18 months. There is something fundamentally wrong in this town and many others like it around the world. In some ways, I wish Cornwall was the only place this kind of thing happens. Unfortunately, I think it’s far too common. But that does not excuse it or make it right. There is no resource in this world greater than our children and we, as a society, should do all in our power to keep them safe from harm. To truly understand the crimes which so often go unpunished or are dealt with through a slap on the wrist and then to attempt to reconcile that with the fact Perry Dunlop will likely spent a year and a half in a jail cell because in his heart he knew he had to shine a light in the darkest corners of this community … well, that’s just the ultimate exercise in frustration. No matter what anyone might think about Dunlop and his actions to date, there’s no denying his first and only intention was to protect children. No matter what has transpired since then, no matter how many missteps he may have taken nor how many times he perhaps should have taken a step back, his heart was in the right place and remains there. For the rest of my life I will struggle how we, as a society, see fit to punish someone who was trying to protect children at any cost. What would you do to protect a child if you truly believed that a child was in danger? Would you circumvent a police force that, as we all know now after hearing testimony at this inquiry, was damaged, inexperienced and at times blatantly incompetent? Would you try to enlist the help of an organization such as the Children’s Aid Society whose members wrote the book on the duty to report? Would you go to the media in the hopes of getting anyone to listen? If you answered no to any of these questions because of policies or protocols or executive orders, that’s a shame. And that’s why Cornwall is where it is today. People in this city are more concerned with following the orders of an inadequate and poorly trained police force, a church whose officials now say didn’t act properly in the face of abuse allegations and a court system presided over by judges who have not always been the picture of objectivity in these matters. Many people say this inquiry won’t amount to anything of significance. I think they’re wrong. This inquiry will prove our community has suffered, not just at the hands of abusers but at the hands of institutions established to care for us all. There will be no denying our police force was not capable of handling this matters. There will be no denying the church had a hand in keeping these abuses under wraps and out of the hands of investigators. There will be no doubt the justice system failed many of those who looked to it for salvation. And for those who will doubt these things and continue to speak fondly and sympathetically of police officers, priests, lawyers and judges … just stop. It’s over. The jig is up. Children in our community were abused, their abusers were never punished and our institutions failed to protect them. Deal with it, Cornwall. And let’s vow, as a united community, to never allow this to happen in our town again. Reply | Report | Page Top Post #3 By LocalReader, |
LaRocque ignored church protocols regarding accused priestsCornwall Standard Freeholder 27 August 2008 Posted By Trevor Pritchard A former Catholic bishop allowed a city priest facing sexual abuse charges to continue celebrating mass because he was “morally certain” the man had been falsely accused, the Cornwall Public Inquiry heard Tuesday. Eugene LaRocque admitted he did not remove Rev. Rene Dube from Sainte-Croix parish in 1999, despite having signed off on a protocol three years earlier requiring him to do just that. “I was morally certain . . . that he was completely innocent,” said LaRocque, 81, who ran the Alexandria-Cornwall Roman Catholic Diocese for nearly three decades until retiring in 2002. Tuesday was LaRocque’s sixth day testifying at the inquiry, which is exploring how institutions like the church handled allegations of historical sexual abuse. In 1999, Dube and another priest, Paul Lapierre, were charged by Montreal police with sexually assaulting a teenage boy in the 1960s. “The whole parish was (upset),” LaRocque recalled. “He (Dube) was well known throughout Cornwall.” LaRocque said he called Lapierre to “find out the truth, if I possibly could” about Dube’s involvement. Lapierre revealed Montreal police had arrested the wrong man, said LaRocque, and that it was a deceased priest named Don Scott, not Dube, who was guilty of the assault. Scott had previously been a priest with the diocese, but left in the late 1970s to join the Dominican Order. LaRocque said that Lapierre’s information, along with Dube’s stellar reputation among his parishioners, was enough to convince him Dube had been unjustly accused. A June 1999 request from the Children’s Aid Society, urging LaRocque to remove Dube regardless of “whatever personal positions might be held,” couldn’t sway the former bishop. Nor could the diocese’s own sexual abuse protocol, which compelled LaRocque to suspend a priest if charges were laid. “I didn’t follow the protocol. It’s quite obvious,” said LaRocque, adding he did prohibit Dube from being alone with children outside of confession. Dube, who died last year at the age of 62, was acquitted of the charges – one count of indecent assault and one count of gross indecency – in November 2001. Lapierre was convicted three years later after a lengthy court challenge his lawyers launched against the judge’s objectivity failed. Despite believing Dube was innocent, LaRocque told lead commission counsel Peter Engelmann he never told the police about his phone call with Lapierre. “It didn’t enter my mind at the time,” he said. “I didn’t take the initiative. I’m sorry.” At the time of the call, Scott had been dead for about 10 years. When Scott asked LaRocque in a 1976 letter for permission to join the Dominicans, he referred cryptically to the “unraveling of my life.” A decade later, he wrote again to LaRocque from Montreal. In that letter, Scott expressed anger that he’d seen former colleagues in the city “taking advantage of what they see as the best of both worlds,” knowing they could return to their parishes with “their future assured.” “I paid for my own counselling and took myself where I couldn’t hurt the faithful and I’m am (sic) treated punitively,” he wrote. Engelmann suggested that despite the lack of specifics, the meaning of Scott’s letter should have been clear to the bishop. “Did you not think he was talking about . . . sex with young people, and that it was something you should look into?” he asked. Again, LaRocque apologized. “I never made that analysis,” he said. “I’m sorry.” The inquiry resumes today at 9 a.m. Comments on this Article. bishop larocque is a damn liar about being sorry the sorry is way too late he’s sorry because the spotlight is on him now Reply | Report | Page Top Post #1 By dodger You need another hobby; this seems to be the only article you comment on. It shows narrow vision and bias. As for your post on yesterday on the article “Priest admitted he engaged in homosexual acts, says LaRocque” I need to know whay you always bring others into your dream, but Here is my response for your post Dodger I always knew something odd went on and never refuted that fact. I only asked questions from a different perspective based on personal knowledge of the people involved and posts from people like you. I tend not to be led like sheep to slaughter. Standing in line believing all that ahead and beside me is for the best. A wise man use to quote: we have two eyes, two ears and one mouth for a reason; we are to observe and listen more then talk. Cuz if the mouth is flapping the other parts don’t work. Something I can often see people do not Reply | Report | Page Top Post #2 By itinerant, |
“It was never my intention to hurt you” – InquiryAM 1220 August 26, 2008 — Is it a form of an apology? Former Bishop Eugene LaRocque has told the Cornwall Public Inquiry that a letter Father Charles MacDonald penned in 1997 appears to be an apology. It was addressed to a former altar boy who alleges abuse at the hands of MacDonald however his name is protected under a publication ban. LaRocque says he had not seen this letter before the inquiry but he may have suggested MacDonald write it. Lead Commission Counsel Peter Engelmann read the note into the record during yesterday’s proceedings. (Hear audio clip below) LaRocque says the alleged victim’s parents told him about the alleged abuse after their son began having problems in his marriage. LaRocque says he did not report the allegation to police because he believed it was a consensual adult relationship. MacDonald has been accused of sexual abuse but charges against him were stayed in 2002 when a judge ruled the case took too long to get to trial. Hearings continue this morning at 9:00. [Transcript of audio clip: I honestly didn’t realize you were hurting. What’s done is done, but I want to tell you that I am very sorry for causing you any hurt o pain. It was never y intention to hurt you. I wish I could change things but . . . I hope you can find it within your heart to forgive me.] |
Bishop backtracksLaRocque apologizes for blaming priest over mishandled sex abuse complaint 01 August 2008 Cornwall Standard Freeholder A contrite Eugene LaRocque backtracked on testimony he gave Thursday accusing his own delegate of not handling David Silmser‘s abuse allegations properly. The 81-year-old former bishop told the Cornwall Public Inquiry Friday morning he “wasn’t feeling that well” when he blamed Msgr. Donald McDougald for not following the Alexandria-Cornwall Roman Catholic Diocese’s draft protocol on handling sexual abuse complaints. McDougald was acting as the diocese’s delegate on abuse matters when Silmser came forward in late 1992 alleging he had been sexually abused as an altar boy by Rev. Charles MacDonald. On Thursday, the inquiry learned the committee McDougald helmed did not keep notes of their meetings with either MacDonald or Silmser. Nor did they tell Silmser why they declined to inform the Children’s Aid Society of his allegations. Both actions violated draft guidelines diocesan officials had drawn up in the spring of 1992. LaRocque had been testifying for about five hours Thursday when he said he would have had “to be God” to have known everything that was happening in the diocese, including whether McDougald was following the guidelines. Before his fourth day of testimony began, he apologized to McDougald and accepted responsibility for the lack of oversight. “In no way do I want to blame my former vicar general, Msgr. McDougald, for any of this,” LaRocque said. “I should have realized it was the first time we were using this protocol. I should have monitored it much more closely.” MacDonald had abuse charges stayed against him in 2002 after a judge ruled they had taken too long to come to trial. He has always maintained his innocence. McDougald has not yet testified at the inquiry, which resumes Aug. 25 at 9:30 a.m. ……………………………………… Why wasn’t the bishop charged with obstructing justice and why is he not charged with perjury right now? He hired a known pedophile then was surprised when the pedophile did it again. Damn cover up is coming apart isn’t it. Reply | Report | Page Top Post #1 By dodger …and the $32,000 payout was broken down in $10,000, $10,000 and $12,000 so any money paid out by the Diosese would BYPASS the finance committee (mo one would ever know!!!)….But NAH….never was a COVER-UP!!! Reply | Report | Page Top Post #2 By RealityChecker …just some very very CREATIVE ACCOUNTING. My concern would be had anyone checked the books of the Diosese to see if it can be determined just How many of these crooked deals bypassed the Bishop??? I’m sure this wasn’t the first!!! Just thaT THIS TIME THEY GOT caught!!! Reply | Report | Page Top Post #3 By RealityChecker, “CREATIVE ACCOUNTING”, “COVER-UP”, “OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE”?????????? Just ask a lot of the Cornholians even to this very day people. NOTHING HAPPENED, IT’S JUST A FIGMENT OF YOUR IMAGINATION AND HOW DARE YOU “OUT-OF-TOWNERS” TRY TO RUIN OUR “GOOD, PRECIOUS REPUTATION”, EH? It didn’t happen, just ask the loads of Cornholians and they will still insist to this very day that “NOTHING HAPPENED” AND YOU’RE JUST PICKING ON US! Oh well, I certainly won’t have to let them into the “Pearly Gates” as they all can go to hell! Reply | Report | Page Top Post #4 By saintpeter-47 I’ve seen corruption and heard lies all through my life but I have NEVER heard such absolute B.S. from those who were suppossed to protect and nurture the children rather than “collect and diddle” and then to lie? No wonder hardly anyone has beliefs in the churches anymore and that can be proven by the dramatic downturn in the various denominations. Oh well, when the old farts in the churches croak, I can go and buy all their neat OLD stuff at “garage sales” at a great bargain cause they’re dead and buried and their offspring could care less about their goodies so, thanks very much, at least you are good for that anyway! They’re just as secretive and crooked as the governments (Any government!)Dictatorships have formed that way and guess what, I would say we have our own personal “Dictatorships” within the Provincial and Federal Gorvernments, just ask “Dick” the Premier and “Stevie” the Prime Minister and while you’re at it, why don’t we find out about all of the “Secret Deals” made between “Stevie” the head Canadian dictator and that war-monger,liar and dictaor “Georgie” you know him, George W. Bush, the suppossed leader of the United Snakes of America, they’re all just “snake oil salesmen”! The end Reply | Report | Page Top Post #5 By saintpeter-47, Soon, I’m hoping we will see that “man of God”?” in the nice blue suit be turned in for one that is “black and white” and put in a place where there will be a certain amount of uncomfortability when he bends over to pick up the soap in the showers at the “Cross-bar Hotel” Git him guys and git him good, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal good and then say a few “Hail Mary’s” and you’re good for some more runs at him. Enjoy yourselve and have no pity as he surely didn’t! Reply | Report | Page Top Post #6 By grimreaper_47, When is this all going to stop.I remember as a young man my dad said to me, don:t ever trust the catholic priests there all sex maniacs, now I have to wonder.I’m so disapointed, I’m very devoted cathelic, but I,m not so sure, I feel that you have RAPED ME AS WELL. Your families must be so proud of you.My heart bleeds for all the victoms. Too all the victoms, be strong, GOD will take care of this. Reply | Report | Page Top Post #7 By michaellafrance I remember one time when I was a young boy in the catholic system, I had the opportunity to meet the bishop, and I did, however he made me feel worthless with his attitude towards me, and the other student he tried to intimadate. Well, you say you don:t feel so well these days, this is the sign from GOD, you will burn in hell for your actions. What else is a secret with you, enjoy your time in hell you devil. Reply | Report | Page Top Post # By michaellafrance, |
Former bishop says following protocol not his responsibilityCornwall Standard Freeholder 01 August 2008 Posted By TREVOR PRITCHARD Former bishop Eugene LaRocque told the Cornwall Public Inquiry Thursday he would have had “to be God” to have known all the goings-on in his diocese — including the way his own delegate was handling a 1992 sexual abuse complaint against a local priest. LaRocque, 81, was trying to explain why it seemed the Alexandria-Cornwall Roman Catholic Diocese wasn’t following its draft sexual abuse protocol after David Silmser accused Rev. Charles MacDonald of assaulting him decades earlier. “If it’s not being followed, it’s not my responsibility. It’s the delegate’s,” said LaRocque, who headed the diocese from 1975 until 2002. “I can’t comment one way or another, except that it should be followed.” Thursday was LaRocque’s third day on the stand at the inquiry, which is probing how institutions like the church reacted when faced with allegations of historical sexual abuse. In December 1992, Silmser went to the diocese alleging MacDonald, a former priest at St. Columban’s Church in Cornwall, had abused him when he was an altar boy in the 1960s and 1970s. At the time Silmser came forward, the diocese had what LaRocque called “serious guidelines” in place to handle allegations against priests. One guideline was that the bishop would assign a delegate — in this case, Msgr. Donald McDougald — to strike a committee to look into the complaint. The committee’s duties includes keeping notes of any meetings with the complainant or the accused, turning the allegation over to the Children’s Aid Society if it was warranted, and if it wasn’t, telling the complainant why not. Lead commission counsel Peter Engelmann suggested that not only were those duties neglected, but that McDougald sought to set up a meeting between Silmser and MacDonald — something the draft guidelines specifically prohibited. LaRocque said it was the delegate’s responsibility — not the bishop’s — to follow the protocol. The only way he could remain “objective” was by not involving himself in the committee’s work, he added. “And who’s the head of the diocese?” asked inquiry commissioner Normand Glaude. “I am,” said LaRocque. “And is it not the ultimate responsibility of the head of the diocese to (make sure) the protocol is followed?” asked Glaude. LaRocque said it would have been “absolutely impossible” to oversee everything that happened in the diocese, including McDougald’s committee. “I’d have to be God to be able to do all that,” he said. McDougald has not yet testified at the inquiry. The diocese and MacDonald would strike a $32,000 settlement with Silmser in September 1993. That payout included an illegal clause that kept Silmser from pursuing criminal charges against MacDonald. MacDonald was eventually charged in 1996 with sex crimes involving a number of youths. The charges were stayed in 2002 after a judge ruled his right to a timely trial had been violated. The same year MacDonald was charged, the diocese approved another policy stating that any priest facing sexual abuse allegations would have his legal fees covered. While the diocese would immediately remove any priest suspected of abusing children from his parish, the policy also ensured that priest would receive his full salary, along with a car allowance and benefits, until the end of his legal battles – including appeals. Engelmann suggested the protocol would afford priests “many benefits” in exchange for denying abuse allegations. “You’d have to know the context, sir,” said LaRocque. “The context is that many of my priests, as well as myself, were accused in 1996.” LaRocque said the affidavit of Ron Leroux, who testified last summer at the inquiry, falsely implicated a number of priests who ended up being investigated by the police. “We knew that we were innocent . . . the law was not protecting us, so we had to have some way of being able to protect ourselves,” he said. The former bishop continues testifying today. Article ID# 1140403 Comments on this Article. So they made money available for themselves to defend and stay comfortable while the victims suffered the ridicule of having to go through the arduous process of proving that they were molested. Cover Up. Cover Up. Reply | Report | Page Top Post #1 By dodger, I think the key words in this is found at the beginning and I quote: “Former bishop Eugene LaRocque told the Cornwall Public Inquiry Thursday he would have had “to be God” to have known “ALL” the goings-on in his diocese — including the way his own delegate was handling a 1992 sexual abuse complaint against a local priest.” and the key is “ALL”! By default, I would suggest that he would have had to have known SOME of the goings on but I digress. “”FORMER BISHOP SAYS FOLLOWING PROTOCOL NOT HIS RESPONSIBILITIY””, but, what about his responsibility to GOD, the RC CHURCH and especially those poor boys that apparently weren’t his responsibility either? And we wonder why attendance and the popularity of churches is either going down the tubes or lies in the gutter. As “Tiny Tim” would say, God Bless us ALL, EXCEPT for those in the know! Reply | Report | Page Top Post #2 By saintpeter-47 ……………………………………. Reply | Report | Page Top Post #3 By itinerant, ……………………………………. So you finally show your face again (former Altar boy that nothing bad ever happened to Itinerant) what does it take to show you that there was a cover up. The bishop hired a pedophile and then made sure that there was money to defend all the priests including himself. The bishop was complicit in the crime that the pedophile committed. He knew he had released a fox into the henhouse and expected the fox not to eat the hens. And if there was no guilt iunvolved why would the diocese and bishop larocque pay out a bribe to shut david silmser up. The bishop is the last guy to sign everything so he is ultimately responsible. Reply | Report | Page Top Post #4 By dodger, The cover up continues Reply | Report | Page Top Post #5 By dodger, Dodger, again you’re right spot on and isn’t it iteresting that our 2 faced pals, Itinerant and 2Faced appear every now and then only to plead stupidity and bait more people. Dodger don’t even bother with those clowns, neither of them are either honest nor do they care, except to further “muddy the waters”! Reply | Report | Page Top Post #6 By saintpeter-47, |
Church Pays Legal Fees For Accused Priests: LaRocqueCornwall News AM 1220 July 31, 2008 — A former Cornwall bishop says the law was not protecting the church so the church had to protect itself. Eugene LaRocque is testifying at the Cornwall Public Inquiry today about the rights of a priest facing criminal allegations. The church protocol from the 1990s says a priest is entitled to full legal fees. LaRocque says if a priest is found guilty on a criminal charge he has to pay back the church. But he does not believe the church discussed what would happen if it was only a civil action. LaRocque told Lead Commission Counsel Peter Engelmann that it’s important to understand why this protocol is in place. (Hear audio clip below) Ron Leroux had levelled allegations against a few priests including LaRocque. However, it’s believed no one was charged. Leroux is the alleged victim who recanted statements while on the stand at the inquiry last summer. [Transcript of audio clip: Larocque: Many of my priests as well as myself were accused Engelmann: So you beleive that all of these rights that were set out for you and other priests in the diocese might have been influenced by the Leroux affidavit. Larocque: Absolutely. ] |
Priest preyed on young menBut LaRocque hired him anywayCornwall Standard Freeholder 31 July 2008 Posted By TREVOR PRITCHARD Former bishop Eugene LaRocque told the Cornwall Public Inquiry yesterday he knowingly recruited a priest who had left a New York state diocese after an “affair with boys.” LaRocque said he secured Rev. Carl Stone a position ministering at two facilities in the Cornwall area in 1981 on the condition he never be alone around children. From 1975 until 2002, LaRocque was bishop of the Alexandria- Cornwall Roman Catholic Diocese. He told the inquiry -which is exploring how institutions like the diocese dealt with historical sexual abuse allegations -that he hired Stone on the recommendation of Rev. Gary Ostler, a Cornwall priest who knew Stone from his youth. Stone had been with a diocese in Albany, N. Y. for the previous 11 years. In his notes from November 1981, LaRocque wrote that Stone had been asked to leave after an “affair with boys.” Those events led to criminal charges, and Stone was on probation when he joined the local diocese. LaRocque said he also knew there were allegations made against Stone when he was with the Ogdensburg, N. Y. diocese decades earlier. LaRocque managed to find Stone -who was applying for Canadian citizenship -work at St. Joseph’s Villa, a Cornwall care home, and Mount Carmel House, a treatment centre near St. Raphael’s. Stone was responsible for celebrating mass each morning, visiting with new patients, and anointing the sick and dying. The job was conditional, LaRocque said, on Stone never being alone in a room or car with young people. By October 1982, Stone’s permit to stay in Canada had almost expired. Seventeen days before Stone had to leave, LaRocque wrote former Stormont-Dundas MP Ed Lumley, seeking his support. “I firmly believe Father Stone has sought help for the problem, is responding well to treatment, and should be allowed to stay in this country,” LaRocque wrote. “He is doing excellent work at Saint Joseph Villa (sic) and at Mount Carmel House.” After a meeting that December between LaRocque and former immigration minister Lloyd Axworthy, Stone was granted a minister’s permit to remain in the country, provided that he stay away from young people and undergo therapy. The minister’s permit required LaRocque to be “personally responsible” for Stone -a condition the former bishop approved of. “I was satisfied that things were working out under the setup we’d had since he arrived in the diocese,” LaRocque said. In 1985, immigration officials told the diocese it was unlikely Stone’s minister’s permit would be renewed, and Stone would have to leave Canada by January 1986. At first, LaRocque promised he would “take every measure possible” to ensure that Stone remained in the country. But that June, LaRocque learned of new allegations against Stone: over the past six months, he had been inviting young men between the ages of 17 and 21 to his room at St. Joseph’s Villa. After confirming the allegations with villa officials and the youths, LaRocque sent Stone a letter telling him he was being fired. “Since you know how far I went to obtain permission for you to remain in Canada, I feel a tremendous ‘let-down,'” LaRocque wrote. “From the time that you read this letter, you no longer have the faculties of this Diocese.” Lead commission counsel Peter Engelmann suggested it was “unusual” that a bishop would go to such lengths to protect a priest from being deported. “I’m wondering why you were trying so hard to give him that chance,” said Engelmann. “Because one of my very best priests (Rev. Ostler) was asking me to do so,” LaRocque replied. One witness, Fernand Vivarais, testified at the inquiry last October that he was sexually Stone died in 2006 at the age of 90. The inquiry is set to resume this morning. …………………………………… Comments on this Article. So let me get this straight, one of LaRocque’s “best” priests asks a Bishop to give Stone a chance (at doing what would be a good question!) and this Bishop guy just “casually” reaches out to an MP 17 days before Stone was to leave Canada in Oct. 1982 and somehow in Dec. 1982, the federal Immigration Minister is ggets involved, who in turn grants him a “Ministers Permit” to stay in Canada. Lotta drag that us “mere mortals” would find near impossible to achieve, but yet they did and at what price for the kids? Yet for some unknown reason or reasons, in 1985 Immigration “officials” stated that it was unlikely his “Ministers Permit” would be renewed and that Stone would have to leave in January 1986 and then in June 1986 learns of “new” allegations that had been going on between Stone and some young men between the ages of 17 and 21 whom he had been inviting to his room at St. Joseph’s Villa. I guess my question would have to be this, “What did the Immigration officials know and when?” Also, they weren’t going to renew his stay so there must have been a reason or two! When LaRocque learned in June of new allegations and confirmed them with villa officials and the youths, then he sent Stone a letter stating that he was “sacked” brings more questions than answers, like “Why didn’t the villa officials at St. Joseph’ Villa and or the youths not inform LaRocques when THEY found out?” Nothing to complicated about those questions is there? Or is there eh LaRocque? Reply | Report | Page Top Post #1 By saintpeter-47 |
‘He knows who I am’The Cornwall Standard Freeholder Front Page – Wednesday, July 06, 2005 @ 10:00 By Terri Saunders A man who says Bishop Eugene LaRocque sexually abused him laughed off a suggestion the retired clergyman may not know him personally. Adrien St. Louis spoke to reporters at a press conference Tuesday morning and chuckled softly when one reporter implied LaRocque, the former bishop for the Alexandria-Cornwall Roman Catholic Diocese now living in Windsor, had no memory of him. “He knows who I am,” said St. Louis. “I have a very good idea he knows who I am.” On Tuesday, the Windsor Star reported LaRocque denied the allegations against him, and made no mention as to whether or not he knows St. Louis. “I don’t know how much more I can add,” LaRocque said. “I think I’ve said what I have to say, which is basically that I’m innocent. I haven’t done anything. St. Louis, 48, has filed a multi-million dollar civil suit against LaRocque, the estate of deceased priest Donald Scott, the dioceses of both Alexandria-Cornwall and London, the College of Cardinals and the Vatican, claiming he was repeatedly sexually assaulted by Scott and LaRocque in the mid-1970s. No criminal charges have ever been laid against LaRocque. “When I had access to Father Scott’s car, I would be picking up parcels from one diocese (office) to the other,” said St. Louis, while illustrating how he and LaRocque knew one another. “I’m from the area; I’ve been in and out of his office.” While he was allegedly being routinely abused by Scott, St. Louis said, he was introduced to LaRocque and recalls two separate occasions when he says he was allegedly abused by the bishop at the rectory of St. James Parish in Maxville. “I was pretty much living there,” said St. Louis, who explained he would do work around the rectory which included running errands for the diocese. “He (LaRocque) came into my room while I was sleeping.” St. Louis said the abuse involved fondling and masturbation. “I didn’t touch him,” he said. “He touched me, but I didn’t touch him at all. He didn’t talk to me. I knew just who it was.” St. Louis said he did not consent to the sexual activity, but admitted there wasn’t a lot he could do to stop it from happening. “I was shocked and afraid and scared,” he said, making references to LaRocque’s height and girth. “Who’s going to say no to a guy who’s seven feet tall and weighs 300 pounds?” St. Louis said LaRocque abused him on at least one other occasion, and the abuse at the hands of Scott lasted “about three and a half to four years.” The middle-aged man became emotional when he spoke about why it’s taken him so long to come forward with the abuse claims. “It’s been building up inside of me (for) years,” he said, his voice cracking and wavering slightly. “I feel it’s got to come out now.” When asked what he hopes to achieve through filing the $3.1-million suit, St. Louis insisted money was not a motivating factor. “I just want everyone to know what happened to me when I was younger,” he said, “and that I don’t want this to happen to anyone else. It has to stop.” |
Bouchard urges on the faithfulSeminary rector installed as sixth bishop of St. Paul Western Catholic Reporter Week of November 19, 2001 By GLEN ARGAN WCR Editor St. Paul Bishop Luc Bouchard was barely installed as bishop of St. Paul when he was already calling the faithful of his diocese to abundant life in Christ. In an impromptu talk from the front of the sanctuary at the end of the three hour and 20 minute installation Mass, Bouchard was explaining his vision for the diocese. “‘I have come that they may have life.’ That is the vision of Christ, the vision that Christ had for the world,” said the bishop. Then he surged forward into the congregation and challenged them: “Jesus leads us to life. Can I hear that from you?” “Jesus leads us to life,” the congregation answered with a thunderous roar. “The world waits for a sign of hope,” he continued. “May the bishop be a sign of hope. But may all Christians be a sign of hope. May all Christians be a sign of hope for the world.” Then turning to the World Youth Day Pilgrim Cross, which was erected in the sanctuary, Bouchard said that cross is a sign of the great love Christ has for us all. “Let us all follow Christ, the hope of the world for us.” Bouchard, 51, was installed as bishop Nov. 9 in a packed Conversion of St. Paul Cathedral. The large sanctuary area was crammed with dozens of priests and bishops, including the three co-consecrators of the new bishop – Archbishop Thomas Collins of Edmonton, Archbishop Eugene LaRocque of Alexandria-Cornwall, Ont., and Archbishop Emilius Goulet of St. Boniface, Man. The church’s nave and choir loft were also packed with laity and religious, many of whom had waited for more than an hour before the Mass began. An overflow crowd went to the nearby St. Paul Seniors’ Centre where they participated in the Mass via video. Among the congregation were many people from Newman Theological College and St. Joseph’s Seminary where Bouchard has served as rector for more than a year and on the seminary formation team for about six years. Catholics of the St. Paul Diocese were impressed with their new bishop. “He’s got dynamite in him,” said Diane Mailloux of Bonnyville. “He’s gonna rock this diocese.” “He sounds like a really great man. He sure can speak well,” said Maria Poulin of St. Edouard. Lorette Perren, a pastoral assistant at Bonnyville, looks forward to Bouchard’s coming to administer Confirmation at her parish in a few weeks. “He came down to the people’s level here tonight. It shows me he’s willing to work with the people,” she said. Many are glad the diocese has finally gotten a bishop after a nearly three-year wait since Collins was appointed to Edmonton. “I feel he’ll provide much-needed leadership here,” said Marlon Biollo, a first-year seminarian from Venice, Alta. “I feel personally relieved that we finally got a bishop after a two-year-plus wait.” “We’ve been waiting for a bishop for a long time,” echoed Edward Noel of St. Paul. Bouchard “knows how to talk. He knows how to explain things. He talks good French, good English.” Msgr. Robert Poulin, vicar-general of the diocese, told Bouchard on behalf of the priests, “We wish you many, many years of service as our shepherd.” Bouchard’s 83-year-old mother Lucienne sat in the front row through the ordination as did other family members. A special celebration for the new bishop will be held in his home diocese in January. Bishop LaRocque, who ordained Bouchard to the diaconate and priesthood more than 25 years ago, was emotional. “Bishop-elect Luc, I shall be laying hands on you tonight for a third time. It doesn’t happen often in the life of a bishop,” he said in his homily. Bouchard quipped that Collins, St. Paul’s previous bishop who more recently served as its apostolic administrator for several months on top of his duties to the Edmonton Archdiocese, “is tonight probably the happiest man here.” The new bishop also paid tribute to the work of Father Walter Laliberty, who served as diocesan administrator before resigning when he was diagnosed with cancer. “May God restore him to full health and life in abundance,” Bouchard said. Bringing greetings to Bouchard were Collin and Sherry Sikora representing youth, Annabelle Muncaster on behalf of the laity, Msgr. Poulin respresenting the priests and deacons, Frank Large representing the First Nations and Sister Gisele Carrier on behalf of the religious. A special presentation was also made by children of the diocese who gave the bishop several large greeting cards they had made. Large presented Bouchard with a bevy of gifts on behalf of aboriginal people, including a large star blanket. “As the wise men were led by a star, we give you your star embedded in this blanket,” Large said. |
Bishop wants Project Truth wrapLaRocque wants OPP to release investigation’s long-awaited final Standard-Freeholder 08 January 2001 By Sultan Jessa Bishop Eugene LaRocque wants the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) to issue a long-promised final report on Project Truth investigations. “This investigation by the police can’t continue forever, ” he said in an interview on a wide range of topics Sunday. “We have been promised the final report many times.” Project Truth is an investigation into allegations that some prominent people, including “Eight years is too long a time,” the bishop said. “He (MacDonald) has not been able to function as a priest since then.” LaRocque said it seems there is injustice somewhere. “I’d like to see Operation Truth come to an end so the process of healing can start,” he said. “This investigation has left open a real sore.” LaRocque said the OPP should issue the final report it has been promising for a long time. So far police have laid 115 charges against 15 men under Project Truth. |
Bishop’s Attempt To Turn “Mute Dogs” Into Martyrs Is A Cynical PloyCornwall Seaway News Friday 20 October 2000 By Bob Roth Bishop Eugene LaRocque did his community and his church yet another disservice this week when he tried to cloak himself and other priests in the mantle of martyrdom, and turn the church into the “victim” of the child abuse controversy. This is the worst form of spiritual perversion. In a stunning rewriting of history and economics, the bishop positions the church as some poor feeble institution with little power to fight off its persecutors. “We just don’t have the organization to do so.” he is quoted as saying. “But with the recent establishment of the Catholic Civil Rights League, we may be able to deal with groups that try to back the Church up against the wall.” This is the same poor defenceless church – the richest landlord in Christendom – that has no problem coughing up thousands of dollars on a moment’s notice to pay off pedophile priests or cover up allegations. Recent actions at the diocesan level have demonstrated that the church and its apologists are anything but disorganized. No sooner was the Bill 103 petition under way than the “Catholic Laity Committee” materialized and began circulating a counter-petition (which has apparently mounted to a hill of beans). According to the Standard-Freeholder, another group of zealots – aided by priests – tried to start an advertising boycott against the daily newspaper because it printed a fact they didn’t like. (What’s next -re-institution of the “forbidden books” list?) Then we have the Knights of Columbus, an entire army of people pledged to defend the faith, whose members are circulating a document under the title “The Catholic Laity for Justice” attacking Bill 103 Let me point out that neither I nor the proponents of Bill 103 have ever attacked the Catholic Church on the basis of religious differences. This is not an attack on the church’s faith; it is an attack on predator priests and an institution that refuses to take up the sword of Gideon against an evil within its own walls. And, frankly, good Catholics have had enough of it. An attempt to turn this child abuse issue into a religious battle is a sorry, cynical defence by a morally bankrupt hierarchy that has clearly run out of legitimate excuses for its behavior. Attempting to turn child abusers, cover up artists, apologists and silent wonders into victims is the ultimate betrayal of Christian fait – of all denominations. As for the good priests, I am still waiting to hear from them. The “silence of the lamb” is deafening. I harken back to some excellent words last week in a letter from Carson Chisholm who quoted St. Alphonsus De Liguori on the sin of priestly silence in the face of evil. Isaiah calls such priests “mute dogs, who become partners of evil through their silence. Well put. Let’s hope the bishop and his “mute dogs” withdraw from this shameful strategy of transforming a legal and moral issue into a defence-of-the-faith issue. |
[Bishop: “We all make mistakes”]January 24, 1994 17.27 EST Bishop-Payment CORNWALL, Ont. (CP) Roman Catholic officials say they didn’t know a cash settlement Bishop Eugene LaRocque told a news conference Monday he wasn’t “It brings out the human side of the church. We all make LaRocque says a new lawyer for the diocese has contacted the Under the agreement, the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall agreed Police said Monday they had not heard from the man. The man, now 35, complained to police in December 1992 that he But in September 1993, the man told police to drop the A diocese spokesman later said the church would never prevent Jacques Leduc, a lawyer for the diocese, said the document was “It was a lack of judgment on my part. I know you may find this “As you can imagine I feel very foolish this morning and The bishop said he has received numerous letters and telephone
January 14, 1994 15.03 ESTNational general newsPriest-Sex-MoneyCORNWALL, Ont. (CP)An eastern Ontario bishop said Friday he would never again authorize the sort of payment made recently to a former altar boy who claimed he was sexually abused by a priest 20 years ago.The $32,000 was supposed to finance treatment for the complainant, who agreed not to take action against the priest or the Catholic Church, said Bishop Eugene LaRocque.The payment does not mean the priest admits guilt, stressed the bishop, who said he doesn’t believe the father committed an assault.”If there ever is any case like this, there will never be a financial settlement,” an emotional LaRocque told a packed news conference.He admitted the reputation of the Catholic Church in this eastern Ontario community has been damaged by the controversy.”It has hurt (the church),” said the bishop. “It has jogged the faith of people. They don’t know what to believe.”The man, now 35, claims he was molested at a Cornwall church in the early 1970s while he was an altar boy. He filed a complaint with police in December 1992 but withdrew it last September.The agreement between the Catholic Church and the complainant did not prevent him from having the priest charged by police, said Jacques Leduc, a lawyer for the Alexandria-Cornwall diocese.LaRocque said the priest himself is receiving treatment in Toronto for stress.”He was really, psychologically, very, very upset,” the bishop said, his voice cracking with emotion. | |
29 July 2008: Former bishop out of his element when it came to handling allegations, says priest who had inside info (re Oblate priest Father Bernard Menard’s testimony)
17 August 2000: Storm tossed house…
03 July 2008: Priest never thought of going to police, CAS (Vaillancourt re Deslaurier)